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Hair Transplant and plastic surgery in Turkey

Beard Transplant in Turkey

Facial hair is an essential part of a man’s appearance and sometimes genetic factors, such as Facial Alopecia, may affect the density of the beard or mustache.
With the recent advances in Beard Transplant , you can now get the beard or mustache you’ve always dreamed of!

Our skilled surgeons and beard transplant doctors strive to create a natural appearance by controlling the angle and depth of the implant follicles to guarantee your satisfaction.

Beard Transplant in Turkey | Cost and Price Information

Turkey is well known as a pioneer in hair transplantation surgeries, with great results and low prices in comparison to other countries of the world. ClinMedica offers you packets that include airport shuttle service – departure, hotel accommodation, medications, transportation, and more, making the beard transplant cost very low.

A base price is often set for beard transplant procedures, which may range from as few as two hundred to as many as eight hundred transplanted roots. 

How is Beard Transplant Performed?

After preparing the donor area and applying the necessary local Anesthesia to the donor area, we extract the grafts from the nape or posterior of the head using perforated head micro-motors that work like punches.
After we extracted follicles, we collected them and maintained them in a storage liquid at an appropriate temperature.
The number of hair follicles needed for Beard Transplant ranges between 1500 to 4000 follicles, but it mostly depends on the patient’s case and whether it is sparse gaps or large areas that we are going to fill.
We transplant the hair follicles to the beard area in a precise manner to ensure a natural appearance.

Techniques of Beard Transplant

The hair was implanted using both the FUE and DHI techniques for beard transplant.
Our contracted skilled surgeons strive to create a natural appearance by controlling the angle and depth of the implanted follicles to guarantee your satisfaction.
By using punches, which are small in diameter, the Follicular Unit Extraction method includes the removal of individual follicular units that mainly contain up to 4 hairs. Because of the smaller diameter of the incision used in this technique of beard transplant, shorter recovery is possible.
In most cases, patients completely heal within 7-8 days.

Who's not a Suitable Candidate?

Although beard transplant is a relatively simple operation, there are some cases in which it is highly inadvisable:
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Diabetes with uncontrolled blood glucose level
  • Blood-borne viruses, such as HIV or hepatitis C
  • Lack or absence of donor area in the back of the scalp

Common Side Effects Of Beard Transplant

There are some side effects in most cases of beard transplantation, but they don’t represent a major problem for the patient.
We can consider that these effects are normal after beard transplantation and include:
  • Shock loss: The exterior shafts of transplanted hair may fall off in the first 3-4 weeks after the operation. However, the implanted roots will continue to produce healthy follicles.
  • Itching, swelling, and discomfort: Following the operation, the donor area or the forehead of the patients can experience some swelling, itchiness, or discomfort. These are the normal effects of all hair implants. They are small side effects that don´t represent a big problem for the patients.
  • Scarring: Although it depends on your skin’s reaction, scarring is unlikely to occur in the FUE Follicular unit extraction technique. Thanks to the small diameter of the incisions made, scarring will be hardly noticeable and will progressively heal in the first few weeks.

Post Treatment

  • After Beard Transplant, there are some guidelines that the patient needs to follow to take care of the implants. The knowledge of what is expected to happen and what you need to do to have a good healing process is a crucial part of the treatment.
  • It doesn´t matter how good was your transplantation, without a good post-care it won´t heal well and the results will be compromised. Therefore, we are letting you know what to expect after the operation and how you can do a good post-care of the beard transplant.
  • On the next day after the operation after washing, there will not be a significant problem but a reddish appearance that may disappear in 1-2 weeks.
  • A dark red appearance may happen in the transplanted area because of the needles but it will disappear permanently after the first wash.
  • The transplants should be washed after 24-48 hours, also the beard should be visible, from 2-3 days beard appearance will be formed.
  • After 15 days from Beard and Moustache Transplantation, The grown can be cut with scissors.
  • We recommend the first shave to be after at least one month to give the transplanted follicles time to be sufficient.
  • You might suffer from shock loss 2-4 months after a Beard Transplant In Turkey operation causing hair loss in the transplanted area.
  • After 6 months the shock loss side effect disappears and it will all regrow again.
  • It takes up to 12 to 18 months to reach the final phase of results.

Beard Transplant in Turkey | Before & After Results