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Breast Augmentation and Enlargement in Turkey

Breast augmentation in Turkey has gained tremendous popularity, providing an appealing choice for individuals seeking to enhance their physical appearance. Turkey is celebrated for its cutting-edge medical facilities and exceptionally skilled plastic surgeons, making it an alluring destination for those interested in breast size enhancement and chest contouring.
Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement, caters to various needs, from achieving symmetry for uneven breasts to reconstructing breasts following mastectomy.

Considerations before undergoing Breast Augmentation

    • Proportion Matters: Breast size should harmonize with the patient’s shoulder width, chest width, waist, and hip measurements.
    • Suitable Candidates: This procedure is ideal for individuals with breast size discrepancies or those in need of breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
    • Caution on Ineffective Treatments: Avoid using creams and injections containing hormones due to safety concerns.

General Anesthesia In Breast Augmentation Surgery

  • Duration: Typically, the breast augmentation in Turkey procedure lasts approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.
  • Surgical Incision: A small incision, measuring 3.5-4 cm, is carefully made along the lower breast line, resulting in a discreet scar.
  • Additional Incision Sites: In some cases, incisions may be made around the nipple (areola) or under the armpit (axilla).
  • Postoperative Care: Patients can usually get up within 6-8 hours after the surgery, once the effects of anesthesia wear off. A one-day hospital stay is advisable.
  • Recovery Period: It’s recommended to limit movements of chest muscles for two months, although normal activities can generally resume within 3-5 days.
  • Supportive Bra: Special bras are suggested for optimal support and healing during the first two months post-surgery.
  • Activities: To ensure a smooth recovery, avoid excessive chest muscle movements for two months, but regular activities can be resumed within 3-5 days.

Postoperative Care

  • Recovery: Patients can stand up within 6-8 hours post-operation; 1-day hospitalization is recommended.
  • Activities: Restrict excessive chest muscle movement for 2 months; normal activities can be resumed in 3-5 days.
  • Supportive Wear: A special bra is advised for the first 2 months post-surgery.

Exploring Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation

  • Non-surgical breast augmentation can be achieved naturally through techniques involving fat and fillers or the aquafilling method, which helps attain the desired breast volume.
  • Following this one-hour procedure, patients experience a transformation in their breast size, allowing them to resume their social lives.
  • The longevity of the results varies based on the quality of materials used, especially when fat is injected, as it’s the patient’s fat.
  • Regular massage combined with physical activity can further enhance breast appearance by boosting blood circulation and increasing breast tissue size.

Exploring the Costs of Breast Augmentation in Turkey

When considering breast augmentation in Turkey, it’s essential to understand the financial aspects of this procedure. In contrast to the high breast augmentation costs in Western Europe, the United States, and Canada, Turkey offers an affordable alternative. Traveling to Turkey for breast augmentation surgery can result in savings of between 60% and 70% compared to the expenses in one’s home country. The cost of breast implants in Turkey typically includes:
  • Surgeon fees
  • Hospital or surgical facility expenses
  • Anesthesia fees
  • Prescription medications
  • Post-operative clothing
  • Necessary medical tests and radiology

Breast Augmentation in Turkey: Enhancing Beauty, Not Forever

Breast enlargement in Turkey with implants is a remarkable way to enhance the volume and shape of your breasts. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these implants are not designed to last indefinitely. Instead, their purpose is to enhance your appearance, boost your self-confidence, and improve overall well-being. If the idea of breast enlargement surgery and implants has you feeling apprehensive, don’t hesitate to have an open discussion with your physician at Clinmedica. Your concerns and questions can be addressed to ensure you feel comfortable with your decision.

Methods of Breast Augmentation in Turkey

When considering breast enlargement in Turkey, it’s essential to explore the various methods available to achieve your desired results.

The Double-Plane Method for Breast Augmentation in Turkey

The double-plane method is gaining prominence in breast augmentation in Turkey. Unlike traditional silicone placement, this technique involves positioning most of the silicone under the muscle. This method not only offers a more natural outcome but also prevents the prosthesis from shifting upwards. It’s a favored choice for those seeking natural-looking results.

Exploring Combined Breast Augmentation

Combined breast augmentation offers a versatile approach to breast enhancement in Turkey. It involves the use of both fat injections and silicone implants. This method is particularly beneficial for patients with limited breast tissue. However, very thin individuals with thin skin may not be suitable candidates, as sufficient adipose tissue is required. Typically, fat is harvested from the abdominal area.

The Chrysalex Method: A 3D Perspective on Breast Augmentation in Turkey

The Chrysalex method introduces a revolutionary dimension to breast augmentation. Patients can visualize the 3D shape of their post-surgery breasts beforehand, allowing them to explore different silicone options and align their expectations with their surgeon. This approach enhances the patient’s confidence and ensures effective communication with their doctor.

Understanding the Duration of Breast Augmentation

When considering breast augmentation in Turkey, it’s important to understand that breast implants are not permanent. Depending on your lifestyle and the type of implant, they may need replacement every ten years or less. Regular check-ups with a certified plastic surgeon are essential for proper post-surgery monitoring.

Minimum Age for Breast Enlargement Surgery

Breast augmentation surgeries have age-related considerations. Typically, it’s recommended to wait until puberty has concluded, breast development has stabilized, and there has been no further breast growth for at least two years. This procedure is generally suitable for individuals aged around 19-20 years and older.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding After Breast Enlargement

Having breast implants doesn’t hinder pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, it’s advisable to wait approximately six months after surgery before attempting pregnancy to ensure complete post-operative recovery.

Ideal Candidates for Breast Implant Surgery

Breast implant surgery in Turkey is suitable for healthy individuals, especially those with well-developed breasts. It’s a viable option for females over 18 years old who are dissatisfied with their breast appearance post-pregnancy or weight loss. Additionally, it can be beneficial for individuals who have undergone breast cancer treatment.

Recovery Period Following Breast Augmentation in Turkey

After the procedure, patients are closely monitored in the recovery room. They may need to wear special dressings or bras to support their breasts. Some temporary discomfort or pain is normal, and prescribed medication can alleviate it. Typically, patients can resume normal work duties within one to two weeks, but strenuous physical activities should be avoided during the initial recovery phase.

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Turkey | Before and after results