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Breast Reduction  Surgery in Turkey

Breast reduction surgery in Turkey, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is increasingly sought after surgery for its effectiveness in alleviating the discomfort associated with overly large breasts. This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of breast reduction surgery, including the procedure’s costs and the expected outcomes.

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the volume of the breasts. Excessively large breasts can cause discomfort, exert pressure on the shoulders, affect walking and posture, and may lead to neck hernia and other long-term problems. The extent of reduction is based on the breasts’ measurements and their proportion to the body. During surgery, the breast volume is reduced, and the nipple is repositioned to a more proportionate location.

Procedure Details

Duration: The surgery lasts approximately 3-4 hours and is performed under general anesthesia.

Preparation: Pre-operative drawings are crucial. These measurements guide the surgeon in determining the new nipple position and the amount of tissue to be removed.

Post-Operative Care: Patients are generally advised to spend at least one day in the hospital post-surgery. Restricting excessive chest muscle movements for 2 months post-operation is recommended. Wearing a special bra for the first 2 months aids in breast recovery and minimizes chest muscle movement. Normal activities can typically be resumed within 3-5 days.

Breast Reduction techniques and recovery

  • Nipple Preservation: A key focus is maintaining the blood-nerve connections of the nipples to preserve their sensory and color characteristics.
  • Post-Operative Measures: Silicone tubes (drains) may be placed to prevent fluid accumulation. The first few hours post-surgery are critical for patient mobility.
  • Risks and Considerations: Factors like smoking, circulatory diseases, diabetes, and certain medications can affect recovery and surgical outcomes.
Breast Reduction Cost in Turkey
Prices vary among clinics in Istanbul and other cities. Detailed cost information can be obtained from specific clinics.
The procedure addresses both functional and aesthetic concerns caused by disproportionately large breasts. It alleviates shoulder pressure, improves posture, and can prevent long-term complications like neck hernia. With skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities, Turkey offers a reliable and cost-effective option for those considering breast reduction surgery.
Before and After Results