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Eyebrowlift / Browlift in Turkey - Procedure and Costs

A Browlift is a cosmetic surgery that aims to achieve a more youthful appearance by raising the eyebrows and reducing frown lines between the eyes and wrinkle lines on the forehead.

  • A brow lift usually takes less than two hours and is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
  • Brow lift can be performed using the classic lift method or the endoscopic lift method. In the first method, a coronal incision is made around the hairline, raising the eyebrow without changing the height of the hairline. This method is usually recommended for patients with high foreheads.
  • Endoscopic lift is performed by making smaller incisions in the hairline area and securing the tissue in a less invasive manner compared to the classical method.

The structure of the eyebrows varies depending on gender. Women have more curved eyebrows while men have more straight eyebrows. The eyebrows are in harmony with the eyes and nose at specific angles.

Whether genetic or due to aging, low eyebrows lead to an unhappy and tired image for people. When the outer edges of the eyebrows face down, it creates a sad look.

Restoring the usual shape and angles of the eyebrows creates a more dynamic image, highlights the eyes and results in a more lively and dazzling appearance.

Brow lift operations in Turkey are performed on people who look sad and tired due to low eyebrows.

Benefits of Browlift Procedure

Facial symmetry

Saggy eyebrows can interfere with facial symmetry. You may notice that the overall appearance of your face changes as your eyebrows lose their youthful shape and make you feel like your appearance is unbalanced. Not only can eyebrow surgery in Turkey restore the shape of your eyebrows, but it can also improve any previous problems with the shape of your eyebrows.

Natural appearance

A carefully performed Browlift in Turkey can give you the natural, youthful appearance you desire. Our surgeons prioritize a natural appearance; The shape and position of your eyebrow will be restored in a way that looks natural.

Browlift gives self-confidence

Making this simple adjustment to your eyebrows can dramatically boost your self-confidence. You can go on with your life more happily knowing that you have eliminated the visible sign of aging. Furthermore, a brow lift can reduce both dynamic and static fine lines around the forehead and bridge of the nose, improving the overall appearance of your face.

Postoperative care and recovery

  • After a Browlift in Turkey, bandages are placed on the forehead or wrapped around the head. Thin tubes may be placed under the skin to prevent excess blood or fluid from accumulating.
  • You will be instructed on how to handle bandages, drains, and what medications to use for healing.
  • Full recovery takes several months, but in most cases it takes 10 to 14 days to return to normal activities, while swelling continues to decrease and bruising subsides over several weeks.
  • No exercise or any form of stress should be done during the first few weeks after a Browlift in Turkey, and the treated area should not be exposed to extreme temperatures by applying heat or ice to it. The head should be kept as high as possible for at least two days after surgery. The skin around the incisions should always be treated gently without any abrasive action.
  • It is recommended to inquire with your surgeon regarding the period immediately following brow lift surgery and during the recovery period. You may have questions about where you will be placed after surgery, what medications you will be given, and when to schedule follow-up care.
  • The results of a brow lift are noticeable immediately after surgery, but it takes several months for the swelling to completely disappear.

Things to consider when deciding to undergo browlift procedure in Turkey

The following may be requested before a Browlift in Turkey procedure:
  • Conducting tests for medical evaluation
  • Abstaining from nicotine
  • Stop taking anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin and herbal supplements
  • Taking specific medications or adjusting current medication
  • Trimming your hair
During Brow lift procedure the following are discussed
  • Surgical goals
  • Medical history
  • Substances currently in use, including medications, nutritional supplements, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco
  • Current health status
  • Expected result
  • Postoperative care and possible complications.
The forehead area, including the upper eyelids, is assessed and marked during the consultation and photographs are taken, after which the surgeon recommends the appropriate course of treatment.
It is advisable to take full advantage of your consultation appointment in order to make as informed a decision as possible. It is essential for the success of the procedure to honestly answer all of the surgeon’s inquiries and ask frankly about anything that requires clarification.

Brow lift vs Forehead lift

Eyebrow corrections can also be done with a forehead lift or temple lift in Turkey. As with forehead lift , there is also an indirect reduction of excess skin on the upper eyelids.
Therefore, a forehead lift or brow lift is also suitable for patients with ptosis and who also have a deep brow posture.
Both procedures can be reasonably combined in one session, with the forehead lift performed first and then the brow lift .
Sometimes, a forehead lift alone is enough to not only lift the eyebrows but also correct the upper eyelids satisfactorily.

Brow lift Cost in Turkey

Eyebrow lift costs can vary greatly depending on the surgeon’s experience and the specific type of procedure. The costs of brow lift in Turkey and many other cosmetic procedures are much lower compared to Europe and the United States.
Always inquire about the full price, which takes into account the price of brow lift surgery and additional costs such as anesthesia fees, operating room facilities, hospital costs, tests, the cost of a second procedure if necessary, etc.

Brow lift in Turkey | Before and After Results