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Calf Aesthetics Surgery in Turkey | Reduction and Augmentation 

Calf Aesthetics Surgery in Turkey addresses various issues like excessive thinning of the legs, excessive bends, and fat accumulation around the knees and ankles. This surgery significantly impacts the appearance of the calf region and consequently, one’s choice of clothing.

Due to the less invasive nature of filler applications and the rapid recovery time, these treatments are popular among patients seeking calf aesthetics enhancements.

In this regard, calf aesthetics can include:

  • Calf Muscle Reduction Surgery: Involves excising the gastrocnemius muscle, with an option for cutting muscle innervation.
  • Leg Augmentation: This can be achieved using silicone implants, hyaluronic acid, or self-fat implantation from the patient’s body.
  • These methods, including Botox injections, are safe and do not negatively affect long-term leg function.

Calf Aesthetics Surgery | Techniques

Methods such as liposuction, fat injection, filler injection, and calf implantation are commonly used. These procedures can be applied individually or in combination, depending on the patient’s needs.

For patients with disparities in leg thickness or shape, or those with distorted appearances, leg prosthesis operations and filling applications may be recommended.

Materials Used in Calf Aesthetics Surgery

  • Procedures often utilize ready-made fillers, oil injections, or both in conjunction.
  • Silicone implants, similar to those used in breast augmentation, are used for their gel-like consistency and durability.
  • Surgery is performed under spinal, epidural, or general anesthesia.
  • A 3 cm incision is made on the inner back of the leg, near the knee, ensuring a hidden scar post-surgery.

Duration and Recovery

  • The Calf Aesthetics surgery typically lasts 1-2 hours.
  • Hidden stitches are used, which do not require removal.
  • Postoperative care includes wearing varicose stockings for two weeks and avoiding strenuous exercise for the first month.
  • Patients often experience enhanced psychological well-being post-surgery due to improved body image and clothing choices.
  • Other common treatments include oil or filler injections, which are administered under local anesthesia for a quick return to daily activities.

Reasons for Seeking Calf Aesthetics Surgery

  • Patients opt for calf aesthetics surgery due to disproportionate calf sizes, either too small or too large relative to their overall body size.
  • Muscle or fatty tissue changes in the calf area, often resulting from various diseases, can lead to deformities.
  • Diseases such as clubfoot, spasticity, poliomyelitis, osteomyelitis, and lipoedema, as well as various injuries including burns and fractures, can cause muscle changes in the calf.
  • Many patients pursue calf aesthetics surgery primarily for cosmetic reasons.
  • The surgery aims to correct physical deformities that cause psychological distress and impact social activities.
  • The improvement in the appearance of calves can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients.

Things to consider before calf surgery

  • Determining the cause of calf size increase – whether due to muscle mass or fat accumulation – is crucial.
  • Pinching the skin to assess the amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue helps in deciding the appropriate surgical approach.
  • If the enlargement is due to muscle hypertrophy, alternative treatments rather than liposuction might be more effective.

Calf Aesthetics in Turkey | Before and After Results