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Dental and Teeth Implants in Turkey

All about teeth implants, dental implants and full mouth dental implants along with cost of dental implants in Turkey.

The simplest answer to the question of what is a dental implant; It is one of the most effective solution methods for a person who has a tooth deficiency problem.

A screw made of titanium is placed in place of the missing tooth. Since the screw is made of titanium, bone accepts it easily.

This implant, which can be applied to 1 toothless patient, can also be a treatment method for a patient with no teeth.

How Is Dental Implant Made?

The implant construction phase mostly consists of two phases.

If a normal treatment will be performed, a day is determined after the necessary examinations and tests are performed.

Local anesthesia is generally applied to the implant area of ​​the patient who comes on this day, but general anesthesia is also possible according to the patient’s request.

After the place to be implanted becomes numb, the gingiva is carefully lifted.

After that, the implant, whose dimensions are determined according to the patient’s tooth structure and many different factors, is placed at the determined point of the bone. After this phase, which is the first phase of the implant, is completed, it is waited for a while for the titanium screw to combine with the bone and become a part of the body.

After this period, the covered implant is exposed and some parts are added to make it look like a tooth. Finally, prosthetic knee procedures begin and the patient is thus freed from the problem of missing teeth.

Related Link: What is Dental Inflammation and In Which Situations Should Implants Be Made?

Dental Implants For Missing Teeth

Those who have missing teeth or use dentures because they do not have most of their teeth can get rid of these problems by choosing implant treatment.

If the patient has a missing tooth problem, it is very important for the patient to consult a specialist dentist for implant treatment.

Thanks to this treatment, the missing teeth will be completed. Implant treatment is a method that produces better results when there is a missing tooth.

In this way, both the external appearance of the patient will not be a problem, and the health problems that occur or will occur in the digestive system of the patient will be prevented.

When the tooth is extracted, the bone in the cavity formed in its place may melt and collapse because it cannot perform its task in time. Implant treatment is the procedure that can help prevent this situation the most.

Types of Dental Implants and To Whom The Implant Is Not Applied?

The implant can be applied to most people, but in some cases, the application of the implant cannot be performed. We have searched and listed the people who are not suitable for implant treatment for you. You can find this ranking from the list below:

  • Smokers
  • Young people with still developing bones
  • under 18 years old
  • Those with at least one of diabetes, high blood pressure, hemophilia and autoimmune diseases
  • Those who have to use drugs such as bisphosphonates, corticosteroids or immune


The people listed above must have permission from their doctor to have implant treatment.

If there are these conditions and the doctor is not aware of it, you should definitely inform. Otherwise, you can cause great harm to your oral health.

In addition to this situation, in order for a patient to be implanted, the size and thickness of the jaw must be in the required dimensions.

Since implant treatment is applied by placing screws in the jawbone, people who do not meet these criteria either correct the jawbone by surgical procedure or implant cannot be applied.

Dental Implants Cost in Turkey

Please contact our consultants to retrieve details about dental and teeth implants cost in Turkey

 The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a host of advantages:
  • 1. Superior Appearance: Dental implants closely resemble natural teeth in both look and feel, providing an aesthetically pleasing and permanent solution.
  • 2. Improved Speech: Ill-fitting teeth or dentures can lead to speech issues, while dental implants ensure clear and confident communication.
  • 3. Boosted Self-Confidence: Regain your smile and speech patterns, boosting your self-esteem and overall well-being.
  • 4. Enhanced Comfort: Unlike removable dentures, implants become a seamless part of you, eliminating any discomfort.
  • 5. Natural Eating: Dental implants function like your natural teeth, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without limitations.
  • 6. Better Dental Health: Dental implants do not require altering adjacent teeth, preserving your overall oral health. They also facilitate improved access to oral hygiene.
  • 7. Longevity: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, providing a consistent and reliable solution.

Recovery Process

Patients should understand that dental implants are not instant solutions.
The recovery period is a crucial phase, and patience is essential. Here’s what to expect during the recovery journey:

Bone Tissue Evaluation

The initial step is to assess your jaw’s bone tissue. If there’s insufficient bone, bone graft surgery may be necessary to ensure the implants can be securely placed. However, this is a rare occurrence.

Healing Stages

 Dental implants require several healing stages. After the bone graft surgery, a healing period is necessary before the implant procedure. Post-implant surgery, another healing phase is crucial, during which your gums will begin to adapt to the implants.

Recovery Timeline

The duration of the healing process varies from individual to individual, typically ranging from 2 to 9 months. Factors such as overall dental health, the number and location of implants, the need for extractions or bone grafts, and systemic diseases can influence the healing time.

Permanent Restoration

Once your gums have healed sufficiently (usually within a week), measurements will be taken for your permanent tooth restorations. These will be crafted and placed in your jaw, with the goal of lasting a lifetime.
In conclusion, dental implants in Turkey offer numerous benefits, and while they may have some drawbacks, careful assessment and expert care ensure a successful outcome. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

To be a suitable candidate for dental implants, certain conditions must be met:
  • 1. Missing Teeth: Dental implants are an excellent solution for individuals with missing teeth, whether it’s one tooth or multiple teeth.
  • 2. Healthy Jawbone: A fully developed jawbone with adequate bone density is essential to support the implants effectively.
  • 3. Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is imperative for the success of dental implants. Regular dental visits and a commitment to oral care are essential.
  • 4. Unwillingness to Wear Dentures: If you are averse to wearing removable dentures, dental implants offer a comfortable alternative.
  • 5. Desire for Self-Improvement: Dental implants can enhance your self-esteem and speech, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a confidence boost.
  • 6. Willingness to Quit Smoking: Smoking can impair the healing process, so being willing to abstain from smoking for at least five days before and after the procedure is crucial.
  • 7. Medical Evaluation: Individuals with uncontrolled chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease, or those who have undergone radiation treatment in the head/neck area, should undergo a personalized assessment.

Dental Implants in Turkey | Before & After Results