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Dental Veneers in Turkey

All about Zirconium dental crowns along with Zirconium dental veneers cost in Turkey.

When it comes to our teeth that directly affect our appearance, we always want to turn to natural treatments. Especially when it comes to our front teeth, we expect the dental veneer to be natural-looking and not artificial in our mouth. An artificial image will directly affect our image and make us extremely uncomfortable.

It is possible that we seek answers to some questions in order to avoid the artificial image that will disturb us as well as the other person.

For example, we search for answers to questions such as what is dental veneer and how is zirconium veneer made. If you want to get information about zirconium tooth coating, you can read our article and consult your doctor to determine the most suitable treatment for yourself.

What is Zirconium Dental Veneer?

Damages on the tooth surface as a result of effects such as fractures, cracks, caries and impacts on the tooth surface necessitate veneer. In addition, we may need an aesthetic coating on the teeth in cases such as broken teeth and yellowing of the teeth. With dental veneers, it is possible to obtain an aesthetic appearance very easily.

Zirconium dental veneer is a veneer method that gives extremely natural results. Thanks to this coating, a natural tooth appearance is given. In addition, zirconium tooth coating is very long-lasting in terms of use and discoloration is not observed.

How are Dental Veneer Made?

Dental veneers are defined as coatings that are aesthetically adhered to the teeth with strong adhesives in the form of teeth after all the necessary treatments are done in the mouth.

Zirconium veneer gives a very natural result to the person and is often preferred because it can be used for a long time.

It is imperative that the zirconium tooth coating process is carried out by experts and knowledgeable people in the field.

The biggest reason for this is the risks that may occur if a zirconium coating to be made incorrectly is not compatible with the gingiva, as is the case with all incorrect coatings.

If the zirconium coating is not done properly, bruising and bleeding in the gums is inevitable. As a result, many problems such as bleeding gums, bad breath and gum recession can be seen.

Many patients who opt for these dental implants claim that they experience a shorter course of treatment and greater comfort.

The strength of zirconium also allows for greater function after surgery, so long-term success with these dental implants is highly likely.

Zirconium dental implants are extremely strong, durable and long-lasting.

These dental implants are designed to withstand high pressures and are known for their superior strength and flexibility when under pressure. These superior features are the greatest qualities a dental implant can have.

Zirconium, which is also a biocompatible material, poses less of a problem for the human body as it is resistant to corrosion and does not trigger chemical reactions or conduct heat and electricity.

Not only is it biocompatible, Zirconium binds quickly to bone and is hypoallergenic, making zirconium a great option if you are allergic to metals.

Zirconium also offers aesthetic benefits. For example, a titanium implant post can be seen if you have thin or translucent gums.

On the other hand, zirconia is difficult to see even in translucent or sensitive gingival tissue. It also eliminates the metal aura that sometimes appears at the gingival margin, which occurs in dental treatments such as implants and veneers. It offers a clean and natural smile.

Another benefit of zirconium dental implants is that it eliminates some steps in the implantation process. Many zirconium implants are produced as a single piece.

Zirconium implants are also an excellent option for implantation immediately after an extraction, maximizing your comfort and reducing the need for tooth lessness or multiple procedures.

You can reach us through our communication channels to learn more about dental implants or veneers and to understand whether you are a candidate.

Porcelain dental veneers are one of the dentistry applications that help the person to get rid of aesthetic concerns in their teeth and create a more beautiful smile.

This application, which helps the teeth to have a more effective appearance in terms of aesthetics, has a high success rate when performed by specialist physicians.

In addition to being effective in eliminating cosmetic defects in the teeth, it stands out with its long-lasting structure. It is applied to the teeth in the form of a thin shell and creates a very aesthetic tooth structure after the procedures.

How is Porcelain Dental Veneer Made?

Before the porcelain dental veneer application, the patient’s views and wishes are first consulted.

Necessary plans are made in order to obtain the most successful image in line with requests and demands. In case of any problem related to the jaw structure, it may not be possible to solve such problems with porcelain veneer.

After it is decided that the teeth are suitable for porcelain veneer, the procedures are started.

Before the porcelain veneer is permanently adhered to the teeth, a rehearsal is made by the specialist physician as to whether the color and the mold are suitable for the tooth structure.

After deciding on the suitability of the mold, it’s time to finish. In order to obtain the most successful result after the application, if necessary, the coating is cut and shaped again.

In addition, different studies can be done to bring the color of the coating to a suitable shape for the teeth during application, depending on the situation.

On the other hand, during the application, the teeth are first cleaned by removing the foreign substances on them.

Then the tooth surface is scraped and roughened to achieve maximum success during bonding.

In addition, a special adhesive is used during the application of tooth coating on porcelain. With this adhesive, the veneer is placed on the teeth.

After the coating is fully seated on the tooth, the molecules in the adhesive are activated with the help of a special beam, and in this way, the coating piece is successfully placed on the teeth.

The last step during the coating process is to clean the excess adhesive material on the teeth.

This is followed by a bite rehearsal and, if necessary, finishing touches on the veneer. The patient is called for examination 2 weeks later in order to examine how the process performed after the porcelain veneer application affects the mouth and gums.

What Should Be Considered After Porcelain Tooth Veneer?

After the porcelain tooth veneer application, every patient should pay attention to some issues.

In this way, it is possible to ensure that the operation is more successful and not to encounter any undesired problems after the procedure. What should be considered after porcelain tooth veneer treatment? Let’s take a closer look.

There is no heavy healing process after the coating process. However, the patient should not be fed with extremely hot or cold food or drinks for at least a week.

After the procedures, the patient may experience very mild pain. However, in this case, it is possible to stop the pain experienced with any painkiller.

In general, painkillers recommended by the specialist doctor are used for conditions such as pain or feeling of pain.

In addition, foods that are very difficult to chew or that are extremely sticky should be avoided.

After the operation, the patient can return to his daily life. It is also possible to return to work the next day. Even after the treatment optionally, the patient can go to work directly.

Porcelain Veneer Life

Prolonging the life of the porcelain dental veneer depends entirely on the patient himself. Although porcelain veneers continue to exist for a long time, approximately 10 years, the necessary oral and dental health care should not be interrupted in order to extend this period.

Porcelain veneers, like natural teeth, can turn yellow or deteriorate over time. Although this is a natural process, it is beneficial to brush the teeth regularly and use dental floss every day in order to minimize the negative effects that may occur.

In addition, it is also effective to use a quality mouthwash after tooth brushing. On the other hand, avoiding acidic foods and drinks or not consuming too much after porcelain coating also helps prolong the life of porcelain.

Dental veneers cost in Turkey

If you are considering dental veneers , understanding the cost is essential, it’s crucial to be aware of the costs associated with different veneer options:
  1. Porcelain Veneers: Prices typically range between EUR 130 and EUR 250, reflecting variations based on the type and complexity of work.
  2. Composite Veneers: The average cost is around $100 to $200, offering an affordable solution with satisfactory results.
  3. Lumineers: Costs may vary but generally range from $200 to $500 per tooth, providing a cost-effective option for significant smile transformations.
  4. Temporary Veneers: Often provided temporarily at no extra cost while awaiting permanent veneers.
  5. E-Max Veneer: Expect to pay approximately $150 to $350 per tooth, providing a durable and esthetic solution.


On average, a single veneer in Turkey may range from $200 to $2500. This affordability has long been a significant draw for international patients seeking dental services in Turkey, as the cost of veneers here is two to three times lower than in the USA, the UK, and Europe.


Please contact our consultants to retrieve all details about the price and cost of dental veneers in Turkey.

A Global Comparison of dental veneers cost around the world

The cost of veneers varies worldwide, influenced by factors like location, materials, and the number of dental veneers required.

Veneer Cost In The Philippines

The cost of veneers in the Philippines depends on the type and quantity of teeth to be treated. Porcelain veneers typically range from PHP 17,000 to PHP 22,000 per tooth, while composite options may cost between $4,000 and PHP 7,000.

Veneers Cost Mexico

In the United States, dental veneers can be as expensive as $3,000 per tooth or as low as $800, depending on your location. However, in Mexico, veneers cost just $380 each, offering significant savings.

Veneers Cost Australia

Composite veneers in Australia range from $300 to $600 each, while Ceramic Veneers typically cost between $660 to $1,825. The exact pricing depends on various factors, including the number of veneers needed and the chosen material.

Veneers Cost UK

According to The Dental Guide, composite veneers typically cost between £150 and £400 per tooth, while porcelain (ceramic) veneers can range between £500 and £1,000 per tooth. Composite options may have shorter lifespans and are more prone to staining than porcelain veneers.

Veneers Cost USA

Dental veneer costs in the USA typically fall between $400 and $2,500 per tooth. Composite veneers are the most budget-friendly option, ranging from $400 to $1,500, whereas porcelain veneers usually range between $925 and $2,500 per tooth.

Dental Veneers | Before & After Results