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Hair Transplant and plastic surgery in Turkey

DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey

DHI hair transplant is the latest most advanced technique. It consists of extracting the grafts from the donor area using a micromotor HD and then transplanting them directly while opening the channels with a Choi pen implanter. We do both stages in the same act.

The most important feature of hair transplantation with the DHI (Direct Hair Implant) technique is that it does not require stitches, scars, and incisions and it can be planted more frequently in the hairless area to be transplanted.

For the hair follicles taken from the donor area, no holes are made in the areas where the hair will be transplanted and the hair follicles are directly transplanted with the special tips used.

The fact that no holes are drilled in the area to be planted increases the number of roots that can be planted and allows more intensive planting. This along with the fact that the Choi pen has a smaller diameter makes it possible to achieve more density per cm square.

DHI Hair Transplant with Choi Implanter

During the procedure with the Choi implanter, specialized physicians or technicians insert the harvested grafts into the implanter pen, and then insert the graft delicately within the hollow needle.

We use an amount varying from 3-6 Choi implanters and nearly 14-18 needles, with the device coming in a variety of needle sizes to fit the follicular unit grafts.

Thereafter, we positioned the needle at an accurate angle into the scalp, once we made the incision site the surgeon implanted the grafts by pressing down on the plunger.

In this method, we do the opening of the channels and the implanting of the grafts simultaneously.

There are various other advantages of DHI hair transplant apart from the fact that we Implant each follicle individually and the results are more aesthetically natural.

Advantages Of DHI Hair Transplant

  • DHI hair transplant is different from other methods in terms of the implanting process due to the incisions made during the extraction and implantation phase of the hair follicles while still giving better quality results.
  • The harvested hair follicles remain out of the tissue less than the other methods meaning that hair transplant operation provides better results.
  • Hair survival rates reach up to 95%.
  • Patients can return to their daily routines in a short time.

DHI Vs Other Hair Transplant Methods

The most important difference between DHIย  and FUE (Follicular unit extraction) techniques is that we take the hair follicles from the donor area to the receipt area while we open the channels, so the DHI procedure allows opening the canal to implant it in one-step.

DHI technique requires 3-4 assistants to fill the Choi pen with the graft, this is different from other methods.

Other methods include only the transfer of hair follicles to the recipient site, while with Direct Hair Implantation (DHI Method) and Follicular Hair Extraction (FUE), the aesthetic appearance of the transplanted area and hairline positioning can be achieved by individual implantation of each hair follicle. This means you can achieve 100% natural hair in appropriate density and distribution.

Due to the use of CHOI Pens which have various diameters of their blades according to each diameter of the channel, we can open all the channels smaller in DHI hair transplant in Turkey than in other techniques, which leads to guarantee high density (10 grafts more per each cm2 for example) comparing it to other techniques.

DHI Hair Transplant Cost In Turkey

Sometimes we think because the DHI technique is more expensive than other techniques is the best option, but this is not true. The best option for you will be always recommended by our doctors. Cases of alopecia are never the same and therefore should be treated differently.

Our doctors in ClinMedica know better and will always recommend the most suitable technique for you. The price and cost of a DHI Hair transplant in Istanbul Turkey may vary from clinic to clinic.