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Otoplasty | Ear Surgery in Turkey

Ear surgery or Otoplasty, commonly known as ear surgery, is a procedure aimed at modifying the external shape, size, or location of the ear flap.

This operation is fundamental in improving the proportion between the ear’s shape and size relative to the face. It addresses deformities resulting from injuries and restores patient confidence.

Ear surgery usually lasts 45-60 minutes per ear. Post-operative care includes removing sutures after one week and using an elastic forehead band for two months. The procedure can prevent mental trauma in adults and children, boosting self-confidence, especially in female patients.

Optimal Timing for Ear Surgery

  • Ideal to perform before primary school age.
  • In adults, local anesthesia suffices, while general anesthesia is used for children.
  • Patients under local anesthesia can be discharged on the same day.
  • The goal is to form ear folds and reduce cupping in bucket otoplasty.

Procedure Details

  • Incisions are made behind the ear to access abnormally developed cartilage.
  • Techniques include cartilage thinning, folding formation with sutures, and soft tissue flaps.
  • Addresses issues like tumors, traumas, and earring-related deformities.
  • Non-standard ear deformities are treated based on the missing structure.
Types of Ear Surgery Procedures

Ear Reconstruction

  • Complex operation for missing or incomplete outer ear parts.
  • Cartilage and skin is grafted from other body parts.
  • Longer operation time and requires general anesthesia.

Reducing Ear Size

  • Addresses abnormally large ears.
  • Involves the removal of excess cartilage or tissue.
  • Reshape the ear to a more proportionate size.

Prominent Ear Fixation

  • Corrects ears that protrude significantly.
  • Removal of excess cartilage and skin.
  • Reduces space between the ear and head.

Earlobe Correction

  • Treats earlobe prolapse or large size.
  • Simple procedure under local anesthesia.
  • Corrects torn or stretched earlobes.

Ear Surgery for Children

  • Addresses children’s sensitivity to ear problems.
  • Helps overcome future psychological or aesthetic issues.

Bucket Ear Surgery

Bucket ear surgery is often performed in childhood, this surgery corrects ears that protrude significantly from the head.

Causes include insufficient inter-cartilage folding or overgrowth of the ear hole.

Bilateral cases are more common, and correction is usually advised after 5-6 years of age to prevent psychological impact on children.

Pre-Operative Recommendations
  • It’s recommended to fast  midnight before surgery if general anesthesia will be used.
  • Wear a button-down shirt for post-surgery convenience.
  • Disclose any existing health conditions to the doctor.
  • Cease blood-thinning medications and smoking before surgery.

Ear Surgery, Otoplasty in Turkey | Before and After Results