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Face Lift Surgery in Turkey

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at addressing wrinkles and sagging in the face and neck areas. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of facelift surgery in Turkey, covering various aspects, including surgical methods, types of facelift surgery, and the cost associated with these procedures.
Facelift surgery is a rejuvenating procedure conducted under precise examination conditions. One notable technique utilized is Silhouette Soft, a cutting-edge approach employing bidirectional absorbable cones made of polylactic acid. Polylactic acid is a biocompatible substance that poses no harm to human tissue. During its absorption process, it stimulates collagen synthesis by activating fibroblasts.
Facelift surgery, often carried out under local anesthesia, aims to tighten and rejuvenate facial skin. It addresses a range of concerns, from minimal sagging to severe sagging and excess skin. The choice between techniques such as laser liposuction, VASER liposuction in Turkey application, or skin removal depends on the severity of sagging and the patient’s specific needs.
Facelift surgery is not limited to a specific age group, but it is typically performed on patients aged 40 and above who exhibit tissue accumulation due to sagging in the chin and upper lip areas.

Factors Influencing the Results of facelift procedure

Several factors can influence the duration of the effects, including:
  • Genetic characteristics
  • Skin structure
  • Lifestyle choices (such as smoking and sleep patterns)

Facelift Surgery | Methods and Techniques

Facelift surgery  encompasses various surgical methods and techniques, chosen based on individual patient needs. Some of the most common types of facelift surgery include:

Mini Facelift Surgery

The mini facelift is a popular choice for patients dealing with light wrinkles and mild facial sagging. During this procedure, a specialized surgeon makes small, discreet incisions in specific areas of the face. These incisions typically follow the lines of wrinkles around the ears or along the hairline. The advantages of these minimal incisions include facial tissue tightening, wrinkle reduction, and a refreshed appearance. Mini facelifts can also address minor skin defects and jawline concerns.
Anesthesia for this procedure may vary based on patient preference and the surgeon’s assessment.

Traditional Facelift in Turkey

A traditional facelift is a surgical procedure that goes beyond the scope of a mini-facelift. It is designed to comprehensively address the visible signs of aging, targeting excess sagging and medium to advanced wrinkles not only on the face but also extending to the neck region.
Performed by highly qualified and experienced specialist surgeons, the traditional facelift involves incisions made discreetly behind the hairline, beginning at the front of the ear and ending at the same location. Through these carefully crafted incisions, surgeons can effectively remove excess skin, tighten sagging tissues, and reposition deep tissues beneath the skin, ultimately restoring a more youthful and natural appearance.
Steps of a Surgical Facelift
A surgical facelift follows a specific set of steps to ensure optimal results:
  • Patient Evaluation: The surgeon thoroughly evaluates the patient’s condition, categorizing wrinkles as simple, moderate, or advanced. This assessment guides the choice of the facelift technique best suited to the individual.
  • Anesthesia: Anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure. General anesthesia is typically used for cases with advanced wrinkles, while local anesthesia suffices for those with mild wrinkles necessitating minor incisions.
  • Incisions: Small incisions are strategically made along the lines of wrinkles. These incisions allow for the separation of the skin from underlying facial muscles and connective tissues.
  • Tissue Repositioning: With the skin separated, the surgeon can reposition deep facial tissues, address wrinkles, and remove excess skin, all with a focus on achieving aesthetically pleasing results.
  • Skin Adjustment: The remaining skin is carefully adjusted and repositioned on the face, imparting a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.
Post-Operative Care

After undergoing a facelift, patients typically spend one day in the hospital. It is recommended to wear a face mask for the initial 2-3 days following the surgery. Swelling and edema in the face typically subside within 7-10 days. Smoking is discouraged before the surgery to optimize healing and recovery.