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Facial Fat Transfer in Turkey Istanbul

Facial fat transfer is revolutionizing the way we approach cosmetic surgery for facial rejuvenation. This technique, known as face lipofilling, employs the patient’s fat to fill wrinkles and restore lost volume.

Unlike synthetic fillers, this method enhances facial contours naturally, improving overall facial harmony and addressing aging signs.

Facial fat transfer grafting is typically an outpatient procedure, lasting about one hour and often performed under local anesthesia.

For patients who feel anxious, general anesthesia may be an option. The procedure involves three crucial steps:

  • Fat Removal: Fat is harvested from areas with excess deposits, such as the belly or hips. Small incisions are made, and the fat tissue is extracted through liposuction.
  • Fat Purification: The harvested fat is then centrifuged to separate and purify the adipocytes, the viable fat cells critical for successful grafting.
  • Fat Injection: The surgeon carefully injects the purified fat into facial areas needing enhancement, like cheekbones or wrinkles, using fine syringes for precise application.

Types of Fat Transfer

Every facial fat transfer grafting starts with liposuction, and surgeons at Clinmedica guide the best approach for each individual:
  • Macro Fat Graft: This method reallocates large quantities of fat, primarily used in procedures like Brazilian Butt Lifts.
  • Micro Fat Graft: Ideal for facial enhancements, it corrects areas like the eyes, and nasolabial folds, and enhances chin or cheek features.
  • Nano Fat Graft: Focusing on highly purified fat, this technique is used for subtle skin rejuvenations, improving texture and tone in areas like tear troughs and crow’s feet.

Benefits of Facial Fat Transfer

Facial fat transfer, while not the most drastic of cosmetic procedures, offers a lasting solution for facial rejuvenation.
This technique stands out among other treatments for several reasons:
  • Natural-Looking Enhancements: It seamlessly restores facial volume for a youthful appearance.
  • Scar-Free Procedure: Unlike many surgeries, this method leaves no visible scars.
  • Dual Advantage: It eliminates unwanted fat from other body areas while rejuvenating the face.
  • High Safety Standards: With minimal risks, it’s known for its safety and effectiveness.

Candidates for facial fat transfer

It’s important to understand that not everyone can have a facial fat grafting technique.

The procedure is designed to augment areas that lack volume.

Factors determining your suitability include:

  • Sufficient Donor Fat: Adequate fat reserves are necessary for transfer.
  • Overall Health: Conditions like blood disorders or medical issues are taken into account.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Habits such as smoking may impact the procedure’s success.

Target Areas For Facial Fat Transfer

This cosmetic operation can rejuvenate various facial regions:

  • Cheeks: Adds volume and defines contours.
  • Lips: Enhances lip fullness and shape.
  • Under-Eye Area: Reduces dark circles and hollows.
  • Temples: Addresses volume loss in the temple area.
  • Scars: Improves the appearance of facial scars.
  • Nasolabial Folds: Softens smile lines.
  • Chin: Modifies chin size and shape for better facial harmony.

The Facial Fat Transfer Procedure: A Two-Stage Approach in Turkey

Facial fat transfer in Turkey is meticulously carried out in two stages to ensure optimal results:

  • Fat Extraction: The surgeon collaborates with the patient to choose appropriate donor areas for fat removal. Under local anesthesia, a state-of-the-art cannula is used to extract fat tissues. These tissues are then sterilized and prepared for the next stage.
  • Fat Reallocation: The purified fat cells are delicately re-injected into specific facial areas, following careful aesthetic guidelines. Utilizing the patient’s cells, this method offers safe, natural, and long-lasting results, surpassing the temporary effects of synthetic fillers.

Recovery and Aftercare

Here’s an overview of the fat transfer fat grafting recovery process, but it’s important to follow the specific guidelines provided by your surgeon:

Week 1 Post-Operation

  • The initial week is crucial, with common effects like swelling and bruising both on the face and the donor area.
  • Your surgeon will advise on pain management and prescribe necessary medications.
  • Recommendations include keeping the treated area elevated and avoiding direct contact.
  • Applying ice gently can help manage swelling.


Week 2 Recovery

By the 7th to 8th day, most patients see a significant reduction in bruising and swelling.
Many individuals feel ready to resume work and daily activities after a week, though returning to sports and vigorous activities might take longer, based on individual recovery.

Longevity of Facial Fat Transfer Results

  • Results duration can vary, often influenced by factors like weight fluctuations and natural aging.
  • Generally, the outcomes that persist post-9 months are considered permanent, with minimal change unless significant weight loss occurs.
  • It’s common for about 60% of the transferred fat to be naturally reabsorbed, similar to other fat transfer procedures like Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL).