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Hair Transplant and plastic surgery in Turkey

Frequently Asked Questions​ About Hair Transplant in Turkey.

We can tell you everything about Hair Transplant Turkey

Some cool tips you should know

What is the best age to get a hair transplant?

Because hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure, a specific age is not required for this operation. However, it is certain that the operation cannot be performed for those who are under the age of 20. This is determined after the doctor’s examination of the pattern of hair loss, and growth of hair follicles in the donor area.

What precautions are taken for hygiene?

Hair transplant procedures in Contract agreement are performed in a fully equipped and sterile environment with the highest technology medical tools. Our doctors and their team are protected with the hygienic equipment as well as our valued patients.

Why is the DHI the most costly?

Direct Hair Implantation is a technique in which the hair is planted with a special pen called the “Choi pen” . Choi pen does the implantation and the channel opening at the same time. DHI is the most advanced technique that is developed in the hair transplant industry

Post-operation care?

Our medical consultants are available 24/7 for any queries or clarifications. We have a set department just for support and aftercare who are available at any time as well as our Clinmedica application which is available in-app store and google play. Our team are specialized in hair transplant and will give you all the information necessary before and after the procedure.

Is Turkey good for hair transplant?

More than 750,000 tourists from 144 countries chose Turkey for medical tourism,  that’s because in Turkey the patient doesn’t only get cheap prices but also gets additional services. In addition to that, the patient will also get incomparable facilities and an outstanding experience high standard clinics.

Can you wear a hat after hair transplant?

Yes, a medical hat should be provided to the patient after the procedure. It is recommended to wear this hat during the first 10 days after the operation, in the outdoors to protect the operated area.

Can you tell if someone has a hair transplant?

As long as the procedure was performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, that takes the necessary measures to give the most natural results, it’s hard to tell that a hair transplant was done.

How much would 2500 hair grafts cost?

Unlike hair transplant in USA, in Turkey, the cost is determined based on the technique used, the quality of the service provided, the experience of the surgeon, among many other things.

Are hair transplants worth it?

Absolutely. Hair transplant is a once in a life-time procedure that provides you with permanent results. It is a great replacement to all the costly treatments that are mostly not only ineffective but also temporary.

Will transplants become cheaper?

Hair transplant is not an essential need for most people, and so is considered a luxury. As science and medicine develop more advanced technology, it is natural for hair transplant to increase in cost.

Does the consultation cost?

Before the procedure, you will have a free consultation with the doctor, who will be accompanied by the translator you require. The doctor will conduct health checks and go through the consultation questions with you. Then, the hairline will be drawn in a way that looks natural and meets your desires.

What is included in the hair transplantation package?

*Your airport pick-up. *Your transportation from the hotel to the clinic and vice versa. *All necessary blood tests. *Full consultation and hair analysis before and after the operation. *Hair Transplant operation ( maximum grafts implantation). *Platelet-rich plasma (PRP). *All required medicines, lotion, and shampoo. *3-night 5 star hotel accommodation – with breakfast included *Guaranteed growth, and no loss, of all implanted grafts. *Lifetime warranty.

Who performs the operation?

The entire hair transplant is done by the doctor herself and her team. The team will help extract and insert the grafts. however, the most important part of the operation which is opening the channels will be done by the doctor.

What is the maximum number of grafts can be implanted?

The number of grafts depends on the donor area and the implantation area. We take the maximum number of grafts without damaging the donor area. The required number of grafts will be explained after the medical report.

How much does the hair transplant cost in Turkey-istanbul?

Hair transplant is a surgical technique that is used to treat both male and female pattern baldness, and since it is globally offered as a solution, the cost varies from one country to another. According to international studies, Turkey is considered to be the cheapest among the top 5 countries for cheap hair transplant.

Is DHI or FUE better?

Generally, the recommended technique is determined based on the case. However, in terms of comparison, DHI is considered the latest technology in hair transplant.

Do you need to shave head for hair transplant?

All techniques require shaving the donor area. However, unlike the FUE where the entire head must be shaved, in the DHI only the donor area will be shaved.

How many grafts do I need?

The number of grafts is determined based on the size of the balding area, in addition to the size and thickness of the donor area

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We at ClinMedica offer you E-medical consultations by the Doctor directly, in order for you to obtain the expectations of the cosmetic procedure and the success rate.