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Hair Transplant and plastic surgery in Turkey

FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey

FUE hair transplant or known as Grafts extraction “FUE hair transplant” is a revolutionized hair transplant technique.

In the past FUT technique was used for hair transplants, but one of its drawbacks is that it leaves a scar on the back of the scalp.

In ClinMedica our primal objective in hair transplant is the aesthetic and natural look, therefore we extract graft using only the FUE technique that allows collecting hair follicles individually and it leaves no scar or any visual marks for the naked eye.

Below is a detailed breakdown of how FUE hair transplant is performed in our Clinic in Turkey

  • When harvesting the hair in the extraction of units, the surgeon extracts each follicle unit separately using a fine punch that varies in diameter from 0.7 mm to 1.1 mm. In addition, there are many types of holes and methods we use (manual holes, mechanical holes, etc.) in FUE, all of which are capable of providing good cultural results if carried out by experts.
  • A significant difference in the outcomes relates to the surgeon’s ability and experience. The correct angle of the channels is very important for a natural look. The channels can’t be too deep because the nerves of the head can be damaged, and they can’t be too shallow or grafts will not be held firm.
  • Hair begins to grow within 3 to 4 months after surgery at a monthly growth rate of 1 cm. The importance and benefits of the FUE hair transplant is a successful, permanent, and safe solution to fight baldness or thinning hair, the technique is preferred by doctors and research people over hair transplantation because of its ease and the great success rate it achieves.
  • There is no need for any surgery in the scalp area, which is what bothers many people about the slide hair transplant technique. Lack of surgery means that there is no suture or any scars on the skin of the head.
  • Quickly obtaining satisfactory results for people who suffer from local or total lack of head hair.
  • Another advantage is a rapid recovery in both the donor and the receiving regions. The result is very close to the natural look. The transplanted hair is long-lasting and looks natural.
  • When the procedure ends efficiently, only minuscule white dots may appear when you shave your hair. Achieving a natural appearance depends on many factors such as the front hairline pattern and direction/angle.

FUE Hair Transplant With Local Anesthesia

The person who undergoes hair transplant with the FUE hair transplant does not feel any pain thanks to local anesthesia for the scalp during all stages of the process, which we will learn about in the next paragraphs.
There is a set of instructions that must be adhered to before a hair transplant:
  • Avoid smoking before the operation for at least three days.
  • Stop drinking alcohol at least three days before the operation.
  • Informing the attending physician of all medications that have been taken or are still being taken before the operation.
  • Get a blood test before doing a FUE hair transplant.

How Many Grafts Can Be Transplanted In FUE Technique?

We do not make graft calculations for our patients at ClinMedica.

Each of our patients gets a hair transplant with the maximum number of grafts that we can take from them.

We position the extracted grafts in the direction of the channels that have been created. We place them upwards to their outer surface. Grafts are very sensitive by nature. For this reason, we use micro-surgical techniques.

The new hair follicles are 100% permanent and have long years of survival to stay in their place.

The FUE Hair Transplant is an extremely sensitive and serious procedure, so experience is a key element and very important to perform it.

We should adjust the channels opened during hair transplant surgery and we should use proper channels openers concerning the size and quality.

We open several channels with special tools according to the number of hair grafts intended for implantation.

The number of opened channels must be equal to the number of grafts.

During channels opening in the implanting area, the process needs a lot of attention and caution.

Even though there is no hair in the planting area, however, the expert will check it by using special glasses to determine the condition of the hair that has fallen.


  • Older techniques, like FUT, involve surgically removing part of the scalp from the donation area and then separating the follicle units outside the body using a microscope, leaving a large longitude follicle scar. However, the extraction of individual graft units as in the FUE hair transplant involves no cutting of the scalp and no longitudinal scar.
  • Each graft unit can be extracted separately. Each may contain one, two, three, or four hairs grouped in each unit.
  • As for the scars in the donor area, FUE hair transplant leaves many (hundreds or even thousands) tiny scars that are less than one millimeter in diameter.
FUE Hair Transplant Cost In Turkey

The price and cost of an FUE hair transplant in Istanbul Turkey may vary from clinic to clinic depending on many things like the quality and experience of the doctors, the package that includes services, and more.