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Hair Transplant and plastic surgery in Turkey

FUE Sapphire Hair Transplant In Turkey

The FUE sapphire hair transplant method is an innovation of the FUE method, in which sapphire blades work to extract hair grafts from the donor area, rather than the steel blades.

Although there are different types of hair restoration techniques available, the FUE sapphire is the safest of all methods.

The majority of hair transplant methods come with some common side effects, including large noticeable scars and slower healing in the donor area.

Therefore, what distinguishes FUE sapphire or Follicular unit extraction is its method of graft extraction.

In FUE, we extracted the grafts as individual follicular units, rather than strip tissue grafts, Reducing pain and scarring and making healing much faster than it is in other hair transplant techniques.

FUE sapphire pen is especially recommended for potential patients who have a higher risk of scarring, Such as those with very loose or tight scalps, younger patients, and athletic, or very muscular patients.

How FUE Sapphire Hair Transplant Is Performed?

  1. After the expected number of grafts needed to cover the recipient area and using the number of possible grafts in the doctor’s consultation, the hair in the donor area or the site from where the grafts are taken is pre-trimmed so that the surgeon can visualize the scalp.
  2. Next, the donor area is prepared and the preliminary drawing of the recipient and donor areas and hairline is established with the agreement of the patient. We apply Local anesthesia to the donor area directly before the operation.
  3. The extraction of follicular units containing 1-4 uses a specialized instrument that works like a punch, to create tiny circular incisions around each follicular unit with a diameter of less than 1 mm squared.
  4. After the individual hair follicles are removed in this process, only tiny punctuate marks are going to remain. With no stitches required and no risk of scarring, it usually takes 7-8 days for the donor area to heal.
  5. It is possible to extract approximately 4000-6000 follicles per day.
  6. However, this will be determined by the structure of the person’s donor area. After the extraction of the required number of grafts, the follicular units are stored in a special solution to maintain their vitality and hydration outside the body.
  7. Using a fine instrument, small recipient channels work for the extracted grafts. The final appearance relies on the depth, angle, and distribution of the channels.
  8. We implant the follicles subsequently with extreme precision into the channels where they will start growing again.
  9. We expect the exterior hair shafts to fall in 3-4 weeks, but the healthy roots will produce hair at the same pace they did previously.
  10. In the second and third months, the hair begins to grow, and in the sixth month, the results will be satisfactory. The operation is usually performed in one session, which takes from 6 to 8 hours.

Recovery Phase

Tissue recovery will be faster in comparison to the steel blades, it will prevent acidity, and the bonded skin will have a smooth surface, meaning no scars left behind.

Why Choose FUE Sapphire?
  • FUE sapphire pen hair transplant doesn’t involve cutting and stitching of the scalp, whereas traditional hair transplant techniques mainly require a linear strip of tissue from the scalp, FUE sapphire only involves the harvesting of the desired grafts one by one, leaving other parts of the scalp completely intact, preventing scarring, and maintaining the appearance of the donor area.
  • Sapphire hair transplant technique is relatively new compared to other methods and techniques of hair transplantation. Sapphire blades are used for mustache, beard, and eyebrow transplantation because they allow the opening of dense Channels in various directions. Sapphire hair transplantation is frequently preferred over other methods because of its effective results and the faster healing process.
  • FUE sapphire offers the ability to extract a restricted amount of grafts if you only need a hair transplant in any localized area such as cheeks, beard, goatee, sideburns, or mustache or in areas where hair loss is minimal. We use this technique to enhance eyelashes and eyebrows as well.
  • The FUE sapphire method has comparatively less downtime. If you hate the idea of staying bedridden for a few weeks or cannot afford to take a week off from work, choosing the FUE hair transplant will allow you to resume your activities normally directly after the operation.
  • While it is possible to wear a hat to cover the treated scalp, it is advisable to avoid wearing wigs or any other hairpieces for several weeks following the surgery.
Common Side Effects Of FUE Sapphire Technique
By using punches, which are small in diameter, the follicular unit extraction method includes the removal of individual follicular units that mainly contain up to 4 hairs.
Because of the smaller diameter of the incision used in this technique of hair transplant, shorter recovery is possible. In most of the cases, patients completely heal within 7-8 days.
Some likely side effects in most cases include:
  • Shock loss: The exterior shafts of transplanted hair may fall off in the first 3-4 weeks after the operation. However, the implanted roots will continue to produce healthy follicles.
  • Itching, swelling, and discomfort: Following the operation, the donor area or the forehead of the patients can experience some swelling, itchiness, or discomfort.
  • Scarring: Although it depends on your skin’s reaction, scarring is unlikely to occur in the FUE technique. Thanks to the small diameter of the incisions made, scarring will be hardly noticeable and will progressively heal in the first few weeks.
  • Contraindications: Although hair transplant is a relatively simple operation.
There are some cases in which it is highly inadvisable to undergo FUE Sapphire:
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diabetes with uncontrolled blood glucose level.
  • Blood-borne viruses, such as HIV or hepatitis C.
  • Lack or absence of donor area in the back of the scalp.

FUE Sapphire vs. the DHI Method

Both the FUE and DHI Hair Transplant techniques are performed in our contracted clinics, the latest breakthroughs in the science of hair transplant, to help you safely restore your look with the least surgical intervention.