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Full Body Lift Surgery in Turkey

Body lift is a surgical procedure that  can be classified into four primary categories: entire body lift, mid-body lift, lower body lift, and upper body lift. Every kind is further tailored based on the desires and requirements of the patient. The length of the procedure varies because there are various body lift surgery kinds and each procedure is tailored to the demands and preferences of the patient. 3-5 hours may pass during a body lift procedure.
The body lift techniques are popular and successful. You could look younger, more vibrant, toned, and gorgeous with a body lift procedure. Body lift surgery has long-lasting effects. It might possibly last forever. But you also need to take care of your skin, exercise frequently, and refrain from acquiring too much weight.
To better shape the contours, liposuction can be combined with body lift operations, depending on the circumstances and the patient’s preferences.
The need for body lift surgery comes from various reasons. Sagging skin in all areas of the body and localized fat pockets can be brought on by weight reduction, aging, and heredity. The groin, thighs, breasts, buttocks, arm, back, lower back, abdomen, and hips are the areas most commonly impacted. Individual lifting techniques, such as arm and thigh lifts, are recommended when the issue is restricted to one of these regions. Nonetheless, body lift operations could be used when a greater area of the body is severely impacted.

Ideal Candidates for body lift

  • if your skin is sagging and strained.
  • if there’s a noticeable degree of soft tissue elasticity.
  • Whether you underwent bariatric surgery or significantly reduced your weight through diet and exercise.
  • if extra skin and tissue laxity were brought on by age.
  • If you desire smoother skin, firmer-looking features, and well-balanced contours.

how is the procedure performed?

Surgery of any kind, including body lifts, requires anesthesia. Whether general anesthesia or local anesthesia combined with sedation is better for your situation will be determined by your surgeon.
There are various body lift procedures, and they’re all quite adjustable. As such, the process for each patient will be distinct.
There are three different kinds of body lift procedures: lower, mid, and upper body lifts. By combining these treatments, a total body lift can also be accomplished. The main goals of body lift procedures are to eliminate extra skin and fat, repair and reshape underlying tissues, and create curves that are harmoniously balanced.
To get better outcomes, liposuction and body lift procedures might be combined, depending on the circumstances and the patient’s preferences. The surgery and the patient’s particular demands will determine the incisions’ length and location. If required and desired, your plastic surgery doctor will first do liposuction prior to a body lift treatment. The surgeon uses deep sutures to restructure the underlying tissues after removing extra skin and fat.

Upper Body Lift

The back, arms, and chest are the main focuses of an upper body lift.

Arm lift procedures are used to treat the arms. The back’s extra skin and fat are cut off. Gynecomastia surgery can be done on the chest if the patient is a man.

A breast lift operation is used to address the patient’s breasts if she is female. It is also possible to combine a breast augmentation with implants with a breast lift operation.

Mid Body Lift

In order to achieve superior contours, a smooth transition, and a well-balanced appearance, mid-body lifts are frequently combined with lower body lifts. 

The mid-body lift targets the abdomen, the waist, and the lower back. During the procedure, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen, the waist, and the lower back. The abdominal wall is repaired and reshaped.

Lower Body Lift

The buttocks, hips, and thighs are the areas that are targeted by lower body lift procedures. Excess skin and fat are removed from these areas. In addition to removing extra tissue, the operation lifts the buttocks and reshapes the lower body. In order to obtain more all-encompassing and well-balanced results, lower body lifts are sometimes combined with mid-body lifts or abdominoplasty procedures.

Total Full Body Lift

To target the entire body, total body lift incorporates lifts of the upper, mid, and lower bodies. Patients with flexible skin and tissue across their bodies are the best candidates for it. A whole body lift is a comprehensive method. For this reason, some surgeons would rather perform a full body lift over the course of several surgical visits. Although a total body lift yields the most natural and well-balanced results, it does need a lengthier recovery period.

Important Instructions before undergoing the procedure

Give up smoking at least two weeks before to the procedure.

Take no aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) for two weeks before to the procedure.

Steer clear of vitamins and herbal medicines.

Consume only the drugs that your surgeon has prescribed.

Recovery & Post-Procedure Care

First Week

Your incisions will be sutured after the procedure. Your incisions will be dressed, and you might need to wear compression clothing for a period. It is typical to feel a little uncomfortable and in pain immediately after surgery. Additionally, there can be some swelling and bruises. The stiffness and pain will subside in a few days. Painkillers are an effective way to manage pain till then. For the purpose of temporarily draining extra fluid and blood, tiny, thin tubes may be inserted beneath the skin. After a week, your stitches will be taken out.

After The First Week

The bruises will go away after the first week. The reduction of edema will take more time. After surgery, the majority of patients are able to resume their jobs or studies three to four weeks later. This time frame, however, could change based on the precise treatment, the patient, and the patient’s environment at work. Walking slowly is advised and safe. For six to eight weeks, most people must refrain from intense physical activity and exercise.

Important Instructions after the surgery

  • One week following the procedure, we ask that you come to our facility for your post-op evaluation before departing Istanbul. We will continue to monitor your recuperation while you are abroad. Throughout your recuperation, ClinMedica will give you all the information and support you require. We promise to support you all the way through your consultation and recuperation.
  • Follow the procedure with at least two weeks off from smoking.
  • After surgery, wait to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs until your surgeon gives the all-clear.
  • Take good care of the drains and surgical areas.
  • Apply or take the prescription drugs as directed.
  • Stay away from hard workouts and activities for six to eight weeks.
  • Seek medical assistance right away if you have shortness of breath, irregular heartbeats, or chest discomfort.

Possible Side Effects & Scars

Following the procedure, you may have some pain, discomfort, bruising, and swelling. Additionally, you might notice brief variations in skin sensation.

Every procedure leaves some scars behind. Your surgeon will make the incisions in places that can be covered up or that make them difficult to see. With time, the scars will go away.

The sort of body lift surgery that is done determines the location and length of scars.