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Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey

Gynecomastia, the enlargement of breast tissue in men due to hormonal imbalances, can be a source of psychological distress. Fortunately, ClinMedica‘s contracted hospitals in Turkey offer effective solutions to address this concern. This article provides an overview of gynecomastia surgery, its procedures, and post-operative care.
Gynecomastia occurs in some men due to hormonal imbalances, leading to enlarged breast tissue. ClinMedica’s contracted hospitals offer a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating gynecomastia, helping patients regain confidence and comfort.

Diagnosis and Evaluation

  • Blood Examinations: Patients undergo necessary blood examinations to determine the cause and severity of their gynecomastia.
  • Eligibility: Individuals over 18 years old with no contraindications are potential candidates for surgery to reduce breast size.

Main Types of Gynecomastia

Puffy: Quite common and frequently observed in patients who are fit and slim. The reason for this protrusion and puffy appearance of the nipple and areola is due to an abundance of breast tissue beneath them. Treatment: Tissue removal from the breasts.

Classic: Gynecomastia of this type is most prevalent. mostly made up of extra breast tissue, Nonetheless, there is frequently some extra fat tissue. Treatment: Excision of breast tissue and potentially adipose tissue.

Fatty: Mostly made up of fatty tissue, but often includes some extra breast tissue as well. Treatment: Losing weight is advised; if this doesn’t work, surgical excision of fatty tissue and potentially some breast tissue may be necessary.

Saggy: Considerable skin surplus that causes the nipple and areola to droop. Usually observed in patients who have undergone significant weight reduction. The degree of sagging gynecomastia varies. Treatment: Excess skin is removed in order to elevate the areola. Liposuction and/or breast tissue excision may also be required in a few of situations.

Gynecomastia Surgery | Procedure & Techniques

Gynecomastia surgeries are tailored to the individual’s condition and degree of gynecomastia. Here are the main surgical approaches:

Surgery for Low-Grade Gynecomastia

  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is often sufficient.
  • Technique: Liposuction, laser liposuction, or VASER are utilized for patients without excess skin.
  • Incisions: Small incisions are made, typically around the sides of the breast.

Surgery for Moderate to Severe Gynecomastia

  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia is administered.
  • Technique: Surgical removal of breast tissue is performed through incisions around the nipple.
  • Tissue Removal: Excess tissue is surgically excised to achieve the desired chest contour.

Gynecomastia with Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction is almost never sufficient to treat gynecomastia on its own. Since extra fat exacerbates the issue, liposuction—which eliminates excess fat cells—will be a part of the male breast reduction operation. The majority of the time, extra glandular tissue—dense tissue located beneath the nipple area—is also the source of gynecomastia. Although liposuction works wonders at eliminating fat, glandular tissue needs to be excised (cut away) because it cannot be removed with this method.

Postoperative Care

After Gynecomastia surgery, patients receive essential care to ensure a smooth recovery:
  • Drain Placement: Silicone tubes, called drains, are inserted to prevent blood accumulation in the surgical area.
  • Hospital Stay: The patient should spend at least one day in the hospital following the surgery. However, patients operated under local anesthesia may be discharged on the same day.
  • Activity Restrictions: For two months post-surgery, avoid excessive chest muscle movements. Wearing a special corset provides support during movement and aids chest area recovery.
  • Resuming Usual Activity: Most patients can resume their regular activities within 3-5 days.

Gynecomastia in Turkey | Before and After Results