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Hair Transplant and plastic surgery in Turkey

Hair Transplant in Turkey | Before & After Results

How long does it take to get hair transplant results and how do you compare your results before and after the  operation?

As we mentioned previously in most of our articles, hair transplant in Turkey is relatively different from hair transplantation in America, Canada or Europe.

In Turkey, an infinite number of hair follicles are extracted, namely up to 5000 hair follicles are extracted in one session, and this is of course due to each person’s donor area.

In some people, this number of follicles cannot be extracted, because it is based on the density of the donor area for each person. Thus, more follicles means thicker hair and amazing results in addition to much lower prices that is what gives Turkey the preference in choosing.

In Turkey, the latest technology for hair extraction  is the FUE  hair transplant in Turkey technique, unlike America, Canada, Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom where more than 90% of hair transplant clinics in these countries use the old technique FUT, which is unpopular for many people as it leaves a clear trace behind the head With a transverse extension between the ears, so we see a strong demand for Turkey for hair transplant because it has been using this technique for more than 12 years.

Therefore, it is obvious that hair transplant clients will get amazing results if they go to the right place in Turkey.

Important Instructions for successful hair transplant in turkey before and after at ClinMedica

When you perform a hair transplant, you must download our application from the medical follow-up on your phone. It’s available for both Android phones  and IOS phones

Then log in into your own account after getting the username and password from your coordinator on WhatsApp or e-mail.

In the first month after the hair transplant procedure, photos must be taken from all directions and uploaded to our application.

In the first month, the transplanted hairs will fall out, this is normal, do not worry..

The follicles will remain under the scalp until they acclimatize in their new location.

At the beginning of the third month, you will see small hairs have started to grow, and this is a good thing.

In the sixth month, you will get a somewhat satisfactory result, so do not anticipate things and be patient because you will get additional results with each month passing by.

Every month you should take photos and upload them to our app, we will keep sending you our notifications so you don’t forget about it, we hope it doesn’t bother you.

In the seventh month, after uploading your new photos to the application, you can open (My Profile) and compare all the photos before and after hair transplantation and note all the differences and developments that you experienced in each month.

You must continue to upload your photos every month until the end of 12 months after the hair transplant operation.

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