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Hair Transplant and plastic surgery in Turkey

Hair OR Beard Transplant packages

DHI Choi pens

All inclusive
  • Airport shuttle service - departure.
  • Your transport from the hotel to the clinic and vice versa.
  • 2 Nights-5 stars hotel accommodation
  • We speak your language.
  • All necessary blood tests.
  • Complete consultation and hair analysis before and after the operation.
  • NFI Local Anesthesia (Needle Free).
  • Hair transplant operation (with the latest DHI MAX GRAFTS technique guaranteed).
  • The Choi Pens Used Is New (Never Used previously)
  • hypothermosol solution for conserving hair grafts
  • High Quality (Chemical Free) Shampoo & Lotion + All the necessary drugs.
  • Analogue Growth Factor (AGF) Injections
  • Six Months Aftercare (Mesotherapy + Derma Roller +Shampoo + vitamins) Package


All inclusive
  • Airport shuttle service - departure.
  • Your transport from the hotel to the clinic and vice versa.
  • 2 Nights-5 stars hotel accommodation
  • We speak your language.
  • All necessary blood tests.
  • Complete consultation and hair analysis before and after the operation.
  • NFI Local Anesthesia (Needle Free).
  • Hair transplant operation (with the Sapphire pen MAX GRAFTS).
  • The Sapphire Pen Used Is New (Never Used previously)
  • hypothermosol solution for conserving hair grafts
  • High Quality (Chemical Free) Shampoo & Lotion + All the necessary drugs.
  • Analogue Growth Factor (AGF) Injections
  • Six Months Aftercare (Mesotherapy + Derma Roller +Shampoo + vitamins) Package

Eyebrow Hair Transplant Cost


All inclusive
  • Airport shuttle service - departure.
  • Your transport from the hotel to the clinic and vice versa.
  • 2 Nights-5 stars hotel accommodation
  • We speak your language.
  • All necessary blood tests.
  • Complete consultation and hair analysis before and after the operation.
  • Hair transplant operation (with the latest DHI MAX GRAFTS technique guaranteed).
  • Needle-free anesthesia (NO PAIN).
  • All the necessary drugs.
  • Guaranteed growth without loss of all implanted grafts.
  • NB: there are no hidden costs.

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost In Turkey?

In Turkey, the average cost for the hair transplant package is € 3,300, the minimum price is €2,550, and the maximum price is € 4,200.

The cost is almost three times lower and cheaper than the average package cost of other European Countries. For Instance, In Germany, the hair transplant procedure costs roughly € 8,700 and also in the UK its costs around € 12,500 which makes hair transplantation in Turkey very cheap and cost effective.

The package pricing range for the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant at ClinMedica spans from 1890 EUR to 2690 EUR. The price range for the DHI Hair Transplant package is between the region of EUR to EUR. The prices are subject to variation based on the extent of the bundle.

In the context of European nations, a considerable challenge arises for individuals in determining their financial capacity to undergo a hair transplant procedure, mostly due to the high costs associated with such surgeries, which are often assessed on a per-graft basis.

The majority of hair transplant clinics in Turkey provide patients with comprehensive packages that encompass all necessary services and amenities.

The provided packages encompass essential drugs, complimentary transports and housing, and the cost is unaffected by the number of grafts placed.

Additionally, they provide assurance that there are no undisclosed expenses, so eliminating any uncertainty regarding individuals’ ability to fund the transplantation procedure.

When comparing the costs of hair transplants in Turkey to those in the United Kingdom or European nations, it is seen that the former is around one third or one fourth of the latter.

The majority of hair transplant clinics in Turkey provide hair transplant procedures at a cost ranging from 1,300 to 2,000 GBP.

The Cost of 2000 Grafts

Two Thousands Grafts almost equal to five thousands hair strands. A hair transplant procedure for two thousands grafts cost approximately between 2,000€ and 2,550€ in Turkey.

The Cost of 3000 Grafts

As mentioned before, several factors might influence the cost of a hair transplant procedure in Turkey. Nevertheless, the typical price range for a hair transplant procedure including 3,000 grafts in Turkey is generally estimated to be between $3,000 and $9,000.

The pricing range for grafts often falls between the average range of $1 to $3.

It is important to acknowledge that the following estimation is simply an approximation, and it should be noted that the actual expenses may vary.

To acquire accurate pricing data according to individualized needs and the range of treatments offered by different providers, it is recommended to engage in discussions with many clinics and surgeons.

Furthermore, it is important to inquire about the latest pricing as they are susceptible to fluctuations.

The Cost of 4000 Grafts

Four Thousands Grafts almost equal to ten thousands hair strands. A hair transplant procedure for four thousands grafts cost approximately between 2,550 € and 3,300 € in Turkey.

The Cost of 6000 Grafts

Based on the provided estimate, the cost range for 6000 hair transplants is projected to fall between the range of $6,000 to $18,000.

It is imperative to bear in mind that the aforementioned figures are estimations and susceptible to significant variability.

For obtaining accurate and up-to-date price information, it is recommended to engage in direct communication with specific clinics and surgeons located in Turkey.

Is a quantity of 1000 follicular unit extraction (FUE) grafts considered sufficient?

As a rudimentary reference, it is typical for hairline hair transplant surgery to necessitate a range of 500 to 1800 grafts. The crown hair transplant procedure typically necessitates a graft range of 2000 to 3500.

What is the definition of an all-inclusive hair transplant package?

An all-inclusive package refers to a pricing structure that encompasses many components or services inside a single bundled price.

The provision of transportation services from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the clinic.
The necessary medications before to, during, and following surgical procedures.
The provision of lodging at either a four-star or a five-star hotel.

A translator proficient in the native language of the speaker.
Online aftercare programs that are provided at no cost.

It is advisable to engage in pre-trip preparations for Turkey, whereby one may meticulously organize their itinerary and ascertain the precise cost of a FUE hair transplant procedure.

Is there a correlation between low cost and low quality?

The affordable cost of hair transplantation in Turkey may lead certain individuals to exhibit hesitation and associate the lower price with a potential compromise in quality.

The affordability of hair transplant procedures in Turkey can be attributed to the favorable exchange rates between the Turkish currency and major currencies such as GBP, EURO, and USD.

The primary determinant for accessing high-quality hair transplant procedures and other treatments at a proficient clinic or hospital is the equilibrium of currency.

Over the course of the last twenty years, there has been a substantial growth in the number of Turkish surgeons specializing in the field of hair transplantation, resulting in heightened levels of competitiveness.

In order to implement a marketing plan, clinics choose to reduce their expenses.

Turkish medical professionals and healthcare facilities are renowned for their extensive expertise and remarkable track record in effectively executing complex surgical procedures.

In recent years, Turkey has emerged as a prominent destination for various medical procedures, including dental treatments, eye surgery, cancer treatments, and plastic surgeries.

Indeed, prior to Turkey’s emergence as a prominent hub for hair restoration, individuals from the United Kingdom and various other nations had been journeying to the country with their companions for leisurely trips, during which they would have eye laser surgery and dental procedures. This trend has persisted for the last two decades.

In addition, it is imperative that facilities conducting hair transplant procedures have accreditation from the Turkish Health Ministry.

Regular visits ensure that clinics satisfy the necessary criteria for optimal quality.

The Comparative Analysis of Hair Transplant Costs Across Nations

The cost of a hair transplant procedure in Turkey ranges from €2,850 to €3,550.

The cost of hair transplant procedures in the United Kingdom (specifically England) ranges from €6,690 to €31,500.

The cost range for hair transplant procedures in the United States is €11,300 to €26,200.

Hair transplantation procedures in Germany typically range in cost from €6,100 to €13,200.

The cost of hair transplant procedures in Spain ranges from €5,700 to €15,500.

The cost of hair transplant procedures in France ranges from €7,500 to €15,700.

The cost of hair transplant procedures in Ireland ranges from €6,700 to €23,000.

What are the determinants influencing the financial implications of hair transplantation procedures in Turkey?

The medical field in Turkey has a substantial number of doctors and facilities that provide hair transplant services. There is a significant variation in the prices charged by these clinics.

The doctors who are most sought after and with extensive expertise are ranked at the highest positions on the surgeon roster. It is advisable to thoroughly evaluate the evaluations and background of physicians or clinics prior to making a decision.

Guests have the option to select between a 5-star or 4-star hotel for their lodging needs, all of which are encompassed under the comprehensive all-inclusive packages.

One may consider opting for a hotel with a four-star rating if cost-saving is a priority, or alternatively, seek a higher level of luxury and comfort by selecting a hotel with a five-star rating.

Hair replacement involves the utilization of many procedures. Certain materials utilized in these sophisticated applications incur additional expenses.

The cost of a project may vary somewhat depending on the specific techniques employed and the materials utilized.
Graft Number: While the majority of clinics provide comprehensive packages, a subset of them imposes a per-graft fee.

It would be prudent to ascertain the upper limit of grafts in order to determine the maximum cost incurred.

Is it considered safe to fly to Turkey for the purpose of undergoing a hair transplant procedure?

Indeed, it is deemed safe to go on a journey to Turkey for the purpose of undergoing a hair transplant procedure. In addition to its historical and aesthetic appeal, Istanbul serves as a prominent hub for the practice of hair transplantation.

Each year, a significant number of persons visit Turkey to undergo various medical procedures, including but not limited to hair transplantation, plastic surgery, orthopedics, cancer, obesity surgery, and organ transplants.

What factors contribute to the comparatively low cost of hair transplant procedures in Turkey?

Turkey is widely recognized for its cost-effective hair transplant procedures, which are notably more affordable compared to other nations, including the United Kingdom.

It is important to avoid the misconception that the lower prices of Hair Transplant Clinics in Turkey are indicative of subpar quality.

Contrary to the notion that Istanbul lacks reputable clinics and skilled hair transplant surgeons, it is important to acknowledge the presence of high-quality establishments and extensively educated professionals in the field of hair transplantation within the city. Istanbul has emerged as a prominent hub for hair transplantation procedures, earning the reputation as the capital of this specialized medical practice.

One of the primary factors contributing to the comparatively lower pricing of hair transplantation in Turkey is the reduced cost of rent, materials, and products, as well as the significant exchange rate disparity between the Turkish lira and the Euro and US dollar.

Consequently, hair transplant clinics situated in Turkey have the capability to provide treatments at a reduced cost, while maintaining comparable or superior quality.

Is hair transplant covered by insurance?

The user declined to provide any further information. Hair transplantation is typically not covered by insurance due to its classification as a cosmetic operation. Conversely, it is worth noting that insurance policies have the potential to provide coverage for hair transplant surgery in cases when hair loss is attributable to a medical condition.

Which country offers the most cost-effective options for hair transplant procedures?

Several countries, such as Turkey, Mexico, India, Poland, and Thailand, may be cited as examples of nations where economical hair transplantation facilities can be found. After careful evaluation of the price-to-performance ratio and the quality of doctors and clinics, the aforementioned nations have been included in the list.

What are the reasons for choosing ClinMedica?

ClinMedica, established in 2018, was created by two medical professionals. The doctors affiliated with our organization has extensive expertise and have a strong commitment to ensuring high standards of quality.
The quality of the surgery is ensured by continuous monitoring and documentation of each stage of the procedure, therefore guaranteeing optimal outcomes and maintaining a comprehensive medical record.

Ensuring sterilization and maintaining proper hygiene practices are crucial for the operations of ClinMedica. Upon entering our operational facilities, one may be certain of their safety.
Our whole crew undergoes monthly training in emergency and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Over the course of the past three years, ClinMedica has garnered a significant number of contented and fulfilled patients. When an individual seeks to locate a clinic for the purpose of undergoing a hair transplant procedure, a crucial aspect to consider is the track record of prior patients and the level of expertise possessed by the clinic. In this regard, it is noteworthy that ClinMedica boasts an impressive Trust Pilot rating of 4.9 out of 5.0. We strongly encourage you to review the testimonials provided by our contented patients regarding our services.

The ClinMedica Aftercare Program is a comprehensive program designed to provide ongoing support and care to patients following their medical treatment.
Following a surgical procedure, a period of recovery is necessary. It is worth noting that unlike many other aesthetic operations, the outcomes of hair transplant procedures are not immediately apparent post-surgery. During this time, ClinMedica will provide you with assistance. Our team of medical professionals will be available to address any inquiries you may have and, if deemed appropriate, conduct an evaluation of your condition.

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We at ClinMedica offer you E-medical consultations by the Doctor directly, in order for you to obtain the expectations of the cosmetic procedure and the success rate.