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Hair Transplant and plastic surgery in Turkey

Everything you need to know about Hair Transplant In Turkey

We combine experience with art because hair transplantation aims to achieve beauty in the end. That is why the esthetic hair surgeon needs to have the artistry which gives the body the magical touches that make a patient happy.

Hair Transplant in Turkey Before and After Results

The below are photos of people underwent hair transplant at ClinMedica

Why Choose ClinMedica For

Hair Transplant in Turkey?

We provide the best FUE hair transplant results in Turkey, with the most advanced techniques, at the most affordable costs.

At ClinMedica, we offer you all the advantages of hair transplant procedures that are offered to you by other countries (America, Canada, Australia, Europe, etc.)

at incredibly competitive prices and superior quality, including the latest scientific techniques used to perform the best hair transplant.

We deal with only highly experienced doctors , so you will have a wonderful and distinctive experience through precise incisions without any scars left behind.

Consistent FUE hair transplant across the head conducted at natural angles and directions for the newly implanted Grafts, thus you will get a very natural appearance without being noticed of having any hair procedure.

Hair Transplant Doctors in Turkey

Because ClinMedica’s strive is endless, we choose carefully our medical staff including , doctors, nurses and qualified technicians. Therefore It is not surprising our doctor’s are amongst the best hair transplant doctors in Turkey.

Hair Transplant In Turkey

Techniques and Methods

Hair transplant, has a very wide base of options whether its about technique, number of grafts or areas to be implanted.

The best age for a hair transplant is a complex subject with no universally applicable solution. Everything is dependent on the patient’s unique circumstances, including their age, overall health, and the severity of their hair loss. It’s crucial to remember, though, that your chances of success increase the earlier you address hair loss.

FUE hair transplant is a surgical technique where one’s hair follicles are extracted from a part of the head and implanted in another part.

There is the ability to choose between two main latest techniques which are the FUE SAPPHIRE or DHI ( CHOI PENS )

Both of these techniques has its own characteristics and advantages . But which technique to be used is determined by your consultant according to your hair condition and the balding area.

In conclusion both of the FUE SAPPHIRE & DHI CHOI are effective if applied to the suitable hair condition for each technique .

FUE SAPPHIRE Hair Transplant

FUE Sapphire pen hair transplant contains a pointed head made of sapphire that gives the scalp a smooth texture and prevents inflammation of the cracks and redness caused by traditional metal blades.
and since the Sapphire pen is used to open the channels which is considered the most important stage in the fue hair transplantation surgery.

it primarily contributes to the success of the operation and to obtain an ideal result, instead of using steel blades.

Tissue recovery will be faster in comparison to the steel blades, acidity will be prevented, and the bonded skin will have a smooth surface, meaning no scars left behind.

DHI DIRECT HAIR IMPLANTATION (CHOI PENS)  technique is performed through Choi pens, So after extracting the grafts from the donor area, the hair follicles are placed one by one inside the Choi pen.

Choi pens implanters range from 0.5-1.5 mm according to each hair follicular size and type and that’s why 2-6 choi implanters are utilized for implantation that work as push pens. each pen contains a pointed and hollow cavity we insert the hair follicles inside one by one. and through which the channel is opened and the follicle gets implanted all at once simultaneously by only one press.

This technique is characterized by the density of implanted hair, for example, if we implant with the traditional technique 40 grafts in a cm2, we can implant approximately 60 grafts per cm2 in the DHI technique.


Needle-Free Injection technology is used for this type of local anesthesia. The device uses air pressure to inject the local anesthetic medication into the skin through its silicon heads.  The air pressure ensures a super-fast (less than one-third of a second) penetration through the skin.  Up to 0.5 ml/50 units of any subcutaneous liquid medication can be applied in one shot.

Needle-Free Anesthesia or Needleless Numbing decreases the pain by 70% You will not feel any pain after the numbing process that is either performed by the traditional method or the needle-free anesthesia..

FUE technique is based on extracting the follicles from the donor area (behind the ears) using an electrical device (micro-motor) that contains sharp disposable punches assembled at the tip it measuring approximately 0.8-0.9 mm in width and are 5-6 mm in length that is used to internalize the hair over the scalp in a proper slope with the angle of hair growth and extract it one by one from inside by the high rotational movement of the device, then once the grafts are freed,they are collected by the aid of special collets and kept in isotonic saline solution. hairs grow in groupings that are called follicular units, and each follicular unit comprises groups of 1 to 4 hairs that grow in clusters spaced a short distance away from another neighboring follicular unit cluster, so accordingly each follicular unit requires a hollow head(punch) of a specific diameter.

Determine the lines of laser hair transplantation

The hairline is determined by the doctor, where several factors are calculated, the most important of which is the consistency of the hairline with the details and muscles of the face, and according to the age of each person as well, the hairline can be chosen in coordination with the doctor

Beard Transplant in Turkey

Beard is considered a man’s accessory with its dense and decent appearance, but most men often have bad luck for not having a full beard for many reasons that may be hereditary or just suffering of facial alopecia. The beard and mustache transplantation process is done by extracting the follicles from the donor area behind the ears and then it is implanted in the face with certain directions that is determined by the doctor. It is preferable to use the DHI method for beard transplant, as it gives more density than..

Women Hair Transplant in Turkey

There is no difference between male hair transplantation and female hair transplantation in term of the technique used (both are performed in the same FUE Follicular unit extraction method) but it differs according to the causes of hair loss, so it is suggested for women with hair loss for doing an additional laboratory examination to determine the main cause of hair loss. Choi pens technology is preferred for women because it does not require shaving all the hair and because. Read More… Now can a woman do hair transplant ? Yes, hair transplant for women goes by the same process as men except for the grafts are extracted from beneath the hair that they have already. Mostly women doesn't need to shave their head for hair transplant but in some other cases it is necessary to shave in order to see the channels. Women also suffer from hair loss whether its because genetic , hormone issues or pregnancy thats why women also are strong candidates for hair transplant.


Hair transplant is done without shaving for people who need hair transplantation in limited places: for example, the front of the head, or hairline transplantation. Hair transplant techniques have an impact on hair transplantation without shaving, as when there are wide and scattered spaces in the balding place, the entire head of hair must be shaved. Although this can be bypassed with DHI technology that involves hair transplantation without full shaving that is particularly beneficial for women’ s hair transplant surgery but yet the donor area must be shaved in order to extract the hair follicles.

What about hair transplant without shaving ?is it possible?

In some certain cases YES but not mostly. For example if someone needs to add some more density for the front then it can be done without shaving
if someone needs to get implants for front and crown it should be all shaved .Keep in mind that the back of the head or the donor area is shaved under any circumstances.

What happens after hair transplant?

When will the results of hair transplant start appearing?

By the end of the first month post operatively, the hairs will fall out, but the implanted follicles will remain under the scalp until they start producing new hairs over again, and this will be noticed within the end of the third month after the operation.
After passing of six months, you will get a satisfactory result of 50 to 60%, and the percentage will continue to rise gradually every month until you get the full result of 100% on 12th month..


First month

After the first month of the the hair transplant surgery, the newly transplanted hair shafts fall out and that’s what called “hair shock” as the body’s normal reaction but yet the Graft follicles remains under the scalp until it adapts to its new place.

3-6 months

During this period, the follicles start producing new hair shafts, as the hair growth takes place at the beginning of the third month and may continue until the end of the sixth month from the date of the hair transplant procedure.You will start noticing relative improvement.

+6 months

After 6 months, you will see favorable difference in the growth rate of the transplanted hair as it begins to grow gradually on a monthly basis.. Some people may need 9 months, others up to 12 months, and such a rare percentage may wait till 18 months to obtain the final result of hair transplantation.


The Norwood hair transplant Scale shows your hair loss level.

Norwood Scale classifies hair loss levels in degrees from 1 to 7, with 12 different loss types.

In addition to determining the level of your hair loss;

Moreover, it gives an approximate idea of the type of treatment that should relate to your hair loss.

If the hair loss is advanced, it may be troublesome to win your hair with  pharmaceutical products.

In such cases, you must consider the ultimate solution for your hair loss problem by undergoiıng the right hair transplant surgery.

Read more

Hair Transplant cost in Turkey

The low average cost of hair transplant in Turkey doesn’t reflect the quality of procedures but speaks volumes about the nation’s currency exchange rates and economy.

With all these factors considered, the lowest possible cost for a hair transplant operation in Turkey is about $1750.


Airport Pick up – Departure Shuttle service. 
Your transportation from the hotel to the Hospital and vice versa.
3-night free hotel room accommodation.
Your translator.
All necessary blood tests.
Full consultation and hair analysis before and after the operation
Hair Transplant operation (maximum grafts implantation)
Needle-free anesthesia ( NO PAIN )
All the required medicines.
Guaranteed growth, and no loss, of all implanted grafts.
Lifetime warranty
there are no hidden costs.

Post Hair Transplant Operation Instructions

When you wake up in the first day after the first operation, you’ll see liquid with a little blood overflow the neck bandage area and on the pillow. Don’t worry this is normal and only happens is the first day.

Things That Are Not Allowed After Hair Transplant Operation


  1. Swimming, running, and bodybuilding are not allowed for one month after the operation.
  2. Sexual intercourse is not allowed for 7 days after the hair transplant operation.
  3. Drinking alcohol is not allowed for 7 days after the operation.
  4. It is not allowed to cut the hair from the recipient area until 6 months after the operation.


After 6 Months Of The Operation


You cut the hair with scissors only. After 9 months, you can shave your hair, and the donor area can be shaved a month after the operation.

Head Washing Method After The Hair Transplant Operation​


  • Day 3: Post-operation hair wash procedure should be gentle without rubbing or strong movements.
  • Firstly: Apply the Lotion for 30 minutes and then wash it with warm water (only the recipient area)
  • Secondly: As for the shampoo, pour the right amount, create foam between your hands, and spread foam through the donor area gently, and normally over the rest of the head, and then wash with warm water.
  • Finally: Gently dry your head and the recipient area with Tissue Paper.

How to wash your head After Hair Transplant Operation Is Done?

How long to the results of hair transplant last?

Many people’s hair transplant results, which are typically visible within a year, might persist for the rest of their lives. Without a doubt, you can anticipate benefits to persist for at least 15-20 years. One of the reasons it is so crucial to be satisfied with the outcomes of a hair transplant is the possibility of permanence.

The outcomes of your hair transplant are designed to work for you for a longer time if you are taking medication to stop further hair loss. There is a danger that your hair transplant results won’t fit you anymore if additional hair loss has occurred if you don’t take drugs to stop further hair loss. A second or third hair transplant is an option in circumstances when the hair has receded behind the implanted hairs.

Grafts Extraction in Details

Grafts Extraction and Implant During Hair Transplant

First thing is , the grafts are extracted carefully by a tool called Micro-motor machine. After dividing the back of the head ( the donor area ) into cm2 for every 30-40 grafts, the surgeon starts extracting the grafts in a pattern form for every 1cm2 in order not to cause any damage to the donor area.

After the grafts are extracted they will be kept in a hypothermosol solution which keeps the grafts alive in order to implant them later.

So how are they implanted then?

the extracted grafts will be implanted after dividing the head into 5 targeted areas which are :

Front – Sides – middle & Crown areas. Mostly grafts are divided and filtered to :

uni hair grafts – double hair grafts – triple hair grafts or quadrable hair grafts.

The hair impalnts plan is usually as follows:

-The uni-hair grafts are implanted on the front.

-The double-hair grafts are implanted on the sides.

-The rest of the grafts can be implanted on the rest of the head.

Of course, dividing the head for 2cm means 30-40 grafts implanted in every 2cm on the whole head.

Now before implanting there is the most important step in the whole procedure which is Opening channels.

Important aspects in channel opening during hair transplant

The stage of opening channels is one of the most important stages of the hair transplant process. Important factors to consider are:

1- Channel depth

Before the procedure, you will have a free consultation with the doctor, who will be accompanied by a translator if required. The doctor will conduct health checks and discuss the consultation questions with you. Your hairline will then be drawn naturally and desirably. The depth of the incision for the channel must be carefully controlled within the skin layers. If the incision is too deep, it can damage the nerves underneath, leading to significant scarring in the bald area, making it unsuitable for hair regrowth. Conversely, if the incision is not deep enough, the hair follicle may not reach the necessary depth for proper nourishment by blood flow, leading to follicle death.

So, it is necessary to open the channel at the right depth in order to make sure that the hair follicle reaches the desired place where it receives nourishment from the blood.

2- Channel Direction
The direction of opening the channels (slits) is also important in hair design, where the channels must be opened towards the original hair, in each place of the head must have a specific direction and angle that determines the path and direction of the hair when it grows, and thus the direction of the channel contributes by giving a natural appearance for hair.

In particular,  the crown area is the most difficult place in the head in terms of knowing the direction of the hair, as it differs from one person to another, but Clinmedica has enough experience to know the direction of the follicles during the clinical examination before the operation.
Opening the channels in the wrong direction does not contribute to the failure of the growth of the follicle at all, but imagine with me that your hair grows in the opposite direction or that some hairs are in one direction and the other in another.. Then you will never be able to style your hair, and your hair will become curly due to the overlapping of hair in some of it. 

3- Choosing The Location Of The Hair Follicle
As we mentioned previously in the technique of extracting hair follicles, ClinMedica had designed a clipped mask of equal squares to coordinate the extraction of hair follicles, as well as for easy sorting of single, double, triple and quadruple hair follicle.
So here what concerns us is sorting the follicles, because we will transplant each bulb in its appropriate place.
The same command is also pronounced when choosing the location of the bulb that bears two hairs, and the ambassador’s pen with a pointed tip, with a width of 0.3 mm, must also be chosen. Follicle thickness. Incidentally ,when the channels are opened, the channels are 0.1 mm wider each time the pointed tip is chosen to open the channel, for easy placement of the bulb in place.Therefore, we always ask the patient to be careful about the transplantation area in the first 10 days after the hair transplant procedure at ClinMedica, in order that the bulb does not come out of the canal, so it takes a week to 10 days for the incisions to heal around the transplanted bulb, so this Ensures that the follicles remain in place.

4- Hair Transplant Consistency In Cm2
Here, too, we want to refer to the pick-up mask that ClinMedica invented, as we also used the same technique to open the channels so that the baldness area is divided into equal squares, each square having 1 cm2, in order to ensure the cultivation of the same number of follicles in each cm2.

5- Number Of Follicles Per Cm2
ClinMedica determines the number of hair follicles, based on several factors:
Natural Hair Density:
Normal hair density varies from person to person, you see people with very high hair density, others with medium density, and others with low density. So, here the natural hair density must be known by examining the hair follicles in an approximate cm2, and then ClinMedica decides the number of follicles that should be implanted in each cm2.
Minimum and maximum number of follicles per cm2:
Despite all the different cases of hair density in all people, the minimum and maximum number of follicles per cm2 must be taken into account.

That is, it is not necessary to plant less than 15 bulbs per cm2, because if less than this number is planted, the bulbs will disperse and become far from each other, and thus will lose their strength, because they derive their strength from their proximity to each other.
Also, it is not necessary to plant more than 50 bulbs per cm2, because in this case also the bulbs will lose their strength due to the contact that takes place between them, just like the electrical contact when two electrical wires touch each other, here too the bulbs will die.
Here lies the secret in the success or failure of the hair transplant process, which is condoned by the majority of doctors in Turkey, to finish the work quickly, but in ClinMedica, as we mentioned at the beginning, cares about the smallest details.

Channel Opening During DHI Hair Transplant

In the DHI technique, the channels are opened and the follicles are transplanted at the same time. Therefore, this technique gives greater intensity than the technique of opening channels by the Ambassador, and the reason:
Simply we mentioned  that when opening the channels with the Ambassador’s pen, a 0.1 mm increase in thickness is calculated on each follicle, meaning that the follicle that holds one hair and whose thickness is 0.1 mm, must open its channel with a width of 0.2 mm For easy insertion of the bulb later,
As for the DHI technique, since the canal is opened and the follicle is transplanted at the same time, here we do not need this 0.1 mm increase, and therefore we will gain more space for transplanting more follicles.
As for the minimum, the DHI technique also applies, as I mentioned earlier, it is not necessary to plant less than 15 follicles per cm2.

The dotctors performing the channel opening during hair transplant is equally another important factor

When opening the channel the surgeon should be experienced enough to sense the depth of the channels to implant the grafts without causing any damage to the nerves beneath.

Additionally the surgeon should adjust the hole of the channel according to the hair direction which needs high level of skill and experience.

All of the previous details will be openly discussed with your consultant before undergoing the procedure itself.

Channel Opening Duration

The duration of the procedure ranges between 6 to 8 hours, including a break period of 30 minutes for rest and eating in the middle of that time period.

Anesthesia is given locally without pain using NFI technology.
There are still some possible side effects (temporary bleeding, swelling in the forehead and around the eyes, itching, numbness), but they gradually disappear within the first week of the operation.
The period of full recovery needs ten days to two weeks.

Where else can hair implants be applied?

There are only two places other than your head to implant hair on which are the beard and the eyebrows , and both of them goes by the same process in hair transplant for head.

At the end hair transplant has been a very important procedure now a days since it is a very simple and effective procedure to be done especially for men who can start losing hair at age of 21-23.

Hair transplant needs high level of experience surgeons and technicians to be done perfectly without flaws so make sure to take your time and to think carefuly before doing it .

Why is the post operation instructions are very important  ?

The answer is simply because after the operation the implanted area is very sensitive to any kind of contact which means that any wrong touching, may cause damage to the implanted grafts.

As we mentioned before, hair transplant is very effective but whats even more important is the post operation instructions. After the operation you should be instructed what to do and what not to do.

Are you ready for a consultation?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.