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Obesity and Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

Bariatric surgery, commonly referred to as gastric sleeve surgery, is a popular procedure where 75–80% of the stomach is removed to reduce food intake and facilitate quick weight loss.
Gastric sleeve procedures are performed using laparoscopic surgery. This involves an incision in the upper abdomen, which is then closed after surgery.
The surgery, performed under full anesthesia, typically lasts about 1.5 hours. It is the most common surgical method for treating obesity. As with all surgeries, gastric sleeve surgery could have adverse outcomes if not conducted by a skilled team in the right setting.
Post-surgery, patients typically experience significant weight loss due to reduced food consumption.
Undergoing gastric sleeve surgery is safe, with numerous skilled surgeons and advanced medical facilities available.
The cost is also more affordable compared to other countries, offering a range of benefits for patients. Turkey is recognized as one of the best countries for this surgery.

Advantages Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery In Turkey

  • A laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy offers benefits such as less discomfort, lower infection risk, quick recovery, minimal scarring, and shorter hospital stays.
  • Additionally, gastric sleeve surgery results in an average yearly weight loss of 40% to 70%. Since the surgery does not alter the gastric inlet and outflow valves, gastric function is preserved. The surgery also poses a lower risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as no alterations are made to the small intestine.
  • Patients often lose 60 to 70 percent of their excess weight. Studies have shown sleeve gastrectomy to be effective in treating diabetes, high blood pressure, and other obesity-related illnesses. Patients typically report increased energy levels, boosted confidence, and enhanced participation in activities.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost In Turkey

The cost of gastric sleeve surgery varies based on factors such as surgeon expertise, surgical supplies, preoperative evaluation, and hospital fees. While prices can be higher in private facilities, the outcome of the surgery is more important than cost.
Generally, surgery costs are discernible despite variations in currency rates and regional factors.
The average cost for a gastric sleeve in Turkey is around €3,500.00 (all-inclusive package), although this can vary. Importantly, the cost is often significantly influenced by the patient’s condition, making expert consultation essential.
Comparatively, gastric sleeve surgery costs are higher in other countries. For example, the average cost in the US is around €18,000, in the UK approximately €10,000, and in the United Arab Emirates nearly €8,000.
Costs are lower in countries like Poland and Germany, ranging from €6,000 to €7,000, and in the Czech Republic and Mexico, where it’s around €4,800. However, Turkey offers the most affordable option at about €3,500, inclusive of travel, accommodation, and other related expenses.


Candidates for gastric sleeve surgery typically are:
  • Between the ages of 18 and 65
  • With a BMI of 40 or higher (greater than 35 if suffering from obesity-related health issues)
  • Mentally prepared for the surgery
  • Looking for weight-loss surgery but concerned about lengthy procedures like gastric bypass
  • Committed to a healthy lifestyle post-surgery
  • Able to travel to Turkey (for international patients)


Procedure Steps 

  1. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia as a laparoscopic procedure, also known as ‘closed’ surgery or LSG. It involves making about five small incisions in the abdomen.
  2. A camera-tipped scope aids the surgeon in removing approximately 80% of the stomach through these incisions.
  3. The surgery expands the stomach using carbon dioxide and uses a trocar to open it.
  4. A silicone tube is placed from the mouth to the pylorus to gauge the remaining stomach width.
  5. The excess stomach portion is then cut off and sent to pathology. 
  6. The surgical site is then checked for bleeding, and additional sutures or clips may be applied if necessary.
  7. Fluid accumulated during the procedure is drained out, concluding the surgery.

Possible Risks 

As with any surgery, gastric sleeve surgery carries general surgical risks. Specific risks include breathing problems due to blood clots in the leg veins, leakage of sutures, and abscesses, although these are relatively rare. Advancements in technology and increased expertise in the field have reduced these risks significantly.
Mortality rates associated with gastric sleeve surgery are relatively low. However, the risks of obesity-related complications are higher than the surgery itself. Patients are thoroughly informed about these risks before the surgery. Obesity, untreated, can shorten life expectancy by 10 to 15 years.

Weight Loss Post-Surgery

Patients typically experience significant weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery, with most losing about 70% of their excess weight. The majority of this loss occurs in the first year. While weight usually stabilizes after this period, a small percentage of patients might regain weight. However, the likelihood of returning to pre-surgery weight is low.
Weight loss after the surgery is not guaranteed to reach a specific number. Patients feel fuller with smaller food portions, leading to a healthier lifestyle. Adhering to a proper diet and exercise routine post-surgery enhances the benefits.


Recovery times vary based on the nature of one’s work. Individuals with desk jobs can typically return to work within 7 to 10 days, while those in physically demanding roles may need up to 3 weeks. Patients are encouraged to resume normal activities as soon as possible to reduce embolism risks. Laparoscopic surgery allows for a quicker return to daily life, with the surgical wounds healing within about 10 days.

Gastric Sleeve and Obesity Surgery in Turkey | Before and After Results