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Rhinoplasty and Nose Surgery in Turkey

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as Nose Surgery, is a surgical procedure designed to alter or correct the shape of the nose.
This article provides an overview of rhinoplasty, its purpose, and its significance in both aesthetics and functionality.
Rhinoplasty also referred to as a “nose job,” involves reshaping the nose to address dissatisfaction with its natural appearance or correcting defects that have developed over time.
The procedure entails restructuring the anatomical components of the nose, including cartilage, bone, and soft tissue, to achieve a desired shape in harmony with the individual’s facial features.
Rhinoplasty is a unique blend of medical expertise and artistic vision.
It requires a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, and the properties of living tissue. Surgeons performing Rhinoplasty use their skills to create aesthetically pleasing results while ensuring the nose’s proper function.

The Dual Role of the Nose

The nose serves a dual purpose in the human body:
  • External Appearance: The nose is a prominent facial feature that significantly contributes to one’s overall appearance. Its shape and structure play a crucial role in facial aesthetics.
  • Internal Functionality: Beyond its external appearance, the nose is a vital respiratory organ. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring natural nasal breathing and maintaining proper respiratory function.


The Significance of Nose Breathing

The nose plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Beyond its visual significance in facial aesthetics, the nose serves as a vital organ for breathing.
  • Respiratory Function: Nasal breathing is synonymous with healthy breathing. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining proper respiratory function, ensuring efficient gas exchange in the lungs.
  • Sensory Function: The nose is essential for the sense of smell, contributing to our ability to perceive and enjoy various scents.
  • Sound Quality: The characteristic sound quality of speech and vocalization is influenced by nasal airflow and resonance.


The Role of the Upper Airway

The upper airway, comprising the nostrils and nasal cavity, serves as the initial pathway for inhaled air. Its key functions include:
  • Air Passage: The upper airway provides resistance to inhaled air, facilitating its passage.
  • Conditioning the Air: Inhaled air is processed within the nasal cavity, where it is warmed, humidified, and filtered to optimize its content before reaching the lungs.


Rhinoplasty Surgery in Turkey

Age-Related Changes

The nose, like other parts of the body, can change over time. As individuals age, the nose may grow, experience sagging, and develop thicker skin. Rhinoplasty can be a valuable solution to address age-related changes and restore a more youthful appearance.

Treating Nasal Trauma

Facial trauma can significantly impact the nose, leading to deformities and functional issues. Common effects of facial trauma include bone fractures, cartilage displacement, and structural alterations. Rhinoplasty is often employed to correct these issues, helping patients regain both the form and function of their nose.
Modern rhinoplasty techniques prioritize preserving bone and cartilage structures to achieve natural-looking results.
The surgery involves various adjustments to:
  • Nasal Ridge: Correcting protrusions, narrowing width, providing symmetry, and more.
  • Nasal Tip: Narrowing, symmetry, elevation, reduction, or reshaping.
  • Curved Nose: Addressing asymmetries and support deficiencies.
  • Intranasal: Correcting structural issues that affect air passage and nasal function.

What Is Septorinoplasty?

Septorinoplasty is a surgical intervention that encompasses both internal and external modifications of the nose. Its primary objective is to rectify irregularities in the cartilage and bone structures within the nose, which can obstruct the natural flow of air through the nasal passages.

Combining Health and Aesthetics

The necessity for Septorinoplasty often arises from two key motivations:
  • Nasal Function: Patients who experience issues related to nasal congestion and impaired breathing seek Septorinoplasty to restore proper nasal function and health.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Beyond functional aspects, individuals may desire changes in the external appearance of their noses. Septorinoplasty can address both the internal and external aspects, making it a versatile surgical procedure.


What Are The Risks Of Rhinoplasty Or Nose Surgery?

Rhinoplasty, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks, including:
  • Bleeding: Blood loss during and after surgery is a standard risk.
  • Infection: The risk of post-operative infection is possible and requires vigilant care.
  • Anesthesia Effects: Anesthesia can have various effects on individuals, necessitating careful monitoring.


Specific Risks and Considerations 

In addition to the general surgical risks, rhinoplasty may present specific concerns and potential outcomes:
  • Nasal Congestion: Temporary nasal congestion can occur post-surgery.
  • Crusting and Dryness: Nasal crusting and dryness may be experienced during the healing process.
  • Sensory Changes: Some patients may encounter decreased sensation on the skin of the nose.
  • Hardness: The nose may feel firm or hard temporarily after surgery.
  • Color Change: Skin color changes in the treated area can occur during the recovery phase.
  • Swelling: Swelling is common after rhinoplasty and can take time to subside.
  • Pain: Pain and discomfort may be experienced but are typically managed with medication.
  • Scar Formation: Although rhinoplasty incisions are usually discreet, scar formation is possible.
  • Unnatural Results: There is a possibility of achieving results that do not meet expectations.


Preoperative Preparation and Consultation

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, candidates engage in a comprehensive preoperative preparation, which includes:
  • Nasal Examination: A thorough examination, both endoscopic and physical, is conducted.
  • Patient Consultation: Patients are encouraged to articulate their concerns and desired outcomes.
  • Health Assessment: A general health evaluation and medical history inquiry are essential.
  • Photography: Photos are taken to assist in evaluating and planning the procedure.


Two-Step Consultation Process
Rhinoplasty candidates typically undergo a two-step consultation process:

First Meeting

  • Comprehensive examination of the nose.
  • Discussion of patient preferences and expectations.
  • Evaluation of patient knowledge and previous research.


Second Meeting

  • Review of photographic work and address any remaining questions.
  • Ensuring patient readiness for the procedure.
  • Confirmation of the surgery date.


Postoperative Care and Recovery

Post-rhinoplasty care has evolved to minimize discomfort and downtime:
  • Cold Application: Cold therapy is employed in the initial hours following surgery.
  • Pain Management: Advances have reduced postoperative pain and discomfort.
  • Bruising and Swelling: Discoloration typically lasts a few days and gradually subsides.
  • Splint Removal: The nasal splint is usually removed after seven days.
  • Edema and Recovery: Early edema lasts 6-8 weeks, with full recovery taking approximately a year.
  • Follow-up Examinations: Follow-up appointments are scheduled for the 3rd, 6th, and 12th months.
In conclusion, rhinoplasty is a transformative procedure that can deliver remarkable results.
However, being informed about the potential risks and understanding the preoperative, operative, and postoperative phases is crucial for patients considering this surgery.
It is advisable to consult with a qualified surgeon who can provide personalized guidance and achieve the desired outcome while minimizing risks.

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Turkey By ClinMedica

1 Videos

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Turkey | Before and After Results