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Abdominal Etching and Six Packs Surgery in Turkey

In general, many people around the world desire a slim, harmonious, and athletic body, aiming for a tight stomach area and an attractive Six Packs. A strong, tight stomach is highly sought after by both men and women globally. Influenced by actors flaunting their bodies on screen, many are motivated to attain attractive six-pack abs by hitting gyms and fitness centers.

Abdominal etching & six pack surgery intensify existing muscle tissues by removing excess fat. This procedure, combining liposuction and tummy tuck, sculpts the abdomen’s tissues, resulting in a firmer, tighter, and more muscular stomach. The procedure takes about one hour.

Some discomfort, swelling, and bruising can be expected. Recovery typically takes 20-30 days.

Patients are advised to wear a compression garment over the abdomen for 8 to 10 weeks to reduce swelling and aid tissue adjustment. Before surgery, the surgeon outlines the patient’s abdominal muscles to guide the procedure.

Several small incisions are made in the belly button and natural creases of the abdomen. Then, a cannula—a small metal tube—is inserted under the skin.

Excess fat is removed using liposuction along the surgeon’s lines, sculpting the abdominal muscles. The incisions are typically less than a quarter of an inch long.

Suitable candidates for six pack surgery

You may be a good candidate for abdominal etching if you:

  • Have no major health issues preventing surgery.
  • Already possess well-toned abdominal muscles, covered only by a thin layer or small pockets of stubborn fat.


Four Tips to Get Six Packs 

  1. Follow a Good Diet: It’s recommended to consume fewer calories by potentially skipping dinner or adopting intermittent fasting, leading to weight loss and gradual visibility of the six-pack muscles due to a lower body fat percentage.
  2. Do Cardio Exercises: Performing cardio exercises, especially on an empty stomach, enhances fat burning in the abdominal area. Early morning exercises force the body to use stored fat for energy.
  3. Build a Strong Body: Engaging in strength exercises like squats, planks, and deadlifts is essential for a strong body. These exercises help in weight loss and strengthen core muscles.
  4. Muscle Consumes More Calories Than Fat: Muscles use more energy than fat cells, even at rest, so building more muscles through strength training is advisable for fat reduction.

Six Pack Surgery in Turkey | Before And After Results